Bribing the Billionaire’s Revenge: Finding True Love in Revenge (Billionaire’s Love and Romance Book 2)

Bribing the Billionaire’s Revenge: Finding True Love in Revenge: Chapter 70

Fred held her hand as they stood outside her grandmother’s house Sunday afternoon.

  “You haven’t heard anything other than the one text?”

  “I saw.I love you.I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  That was it.No call.Just the text.She was so confused.

  “Nothing.Not another word.His father called me this morning to tell me Isaias was in Texas,and he would be home today.If his father knows he said nothing to me.”

  Fred looked at her sadly,“he said he loved you and he’d talk to you today.”

  “I know.”

  “Your experience him with thus far has been when he’s dealing with something he backs off to get his head straight.Remember the video?He went radio silent because he wanted to fix it.Right?”

  “And the gala,he went silent because he was trying to get his temper under control with Trent.”

  “Right.So,he’s getting his shit together and he’ll be back for you.His text says he loves you.This is his MO.He steps back to get his thoughts together and then he’ll come back for you.Don’t stress.Please.Trust him.”

  She nodded and took a breath.“I trust him.”

  “Good girl.”He took a deep breath of his own scowling at the sight of Merlin’s car in the driveway.“I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “Shit,”she paused,“the painting.Grab the painting from the back of the car.”

  “I really don’t want to,”Fred made a face.

  “It’s wrapped.”She rolled her eyes at her brother’s childishness.“It’s not going to bite you.”

  “You’re going to unwrap it and my eyes will never be the same.”

  “It’s your grandmother’s body,tastefully painted.”

  “Unless it’s fully clothed there is nothing on this planet,I want to see less than this painting.”

  “What if I painted her in BDSM wear?Black leather,crotchless panties,fishnets and holding a flogger?”

  Fred ripped the painting from the car and glowered at her,“I hate you for putting the image in my head.”

  “You’re welcome,”she shrugged carelessly as they walked the small pathway to the front door.She pushed it open wishing she could push her nerves away as easily as the screened door.“Gran?”

  “We’re in here,Liesl.I was just telling your mother how I posed for you on the settee where my son was conceived.”

  She stifled a giggle as Fred made a gagging noise behind her.She made her way to the room and sniffed appreciatively,“did you make stew?”

  “I did,”her grandmother was on her feet from her favorite recliner and rushing to her.“I can kick these two assholes out if you need me to.Your mother as well.Say the word.”

  “Gran!”Sandy shrieked.“I am your granddaughter too!”

  “You’re an asshole.If you were my child,I would have leveled one hell of a beating on your backside and nipped your behavior in the bud.Your mother should be ashamed to let you treat your sister like this.My girls got along like best friends and would never dream of hurting one another.This foolishness has to come to an end.”

  “I told Liesl how she can fix it,”Sandy stared at her with a smirk.

  “If I were Liesl,I’d have the restraining order back in place,”Fred said cruelly.“To make sure you understand my position here Sandy,when Liesl told you at the gala a month or more ago you were no longer her sister,it went ditto for me.I’m here today for her,not you.You’re a cold calculating bitch.I know what you’re planning.I don’t know why you’re dragging innocent people into your quagmire of hell but to make myself abundantly clear,you are not welcome in my home or near my family again.Not ever.”

  Sandy paled at Fred’s brutal words.“Freddy.You don’t mean it!”

  “I do.Mom wanted us here to clear the air so I’m making sure it’s clear.You fucked your sister’s husband.Lied consistently about everything you are doing.Made Mom choose between you and made mom crazy in doing so.You continue to lie to everyone around you.If it wasn’t for the fact you dress like a brothel madam,I would even have guessed you lied about the pregnancy too.You are poison,Sandy and I don’t want you near my wife or my child.”

  “Fred,”Lorraine spoke quietly,“enough.I wanted us to clear the air.”

  “Oh,it’s clear,”he said smugly.He motioned to the painting,“let’s get this over with.”

  “Liesl,say something!”Sandy slapped the arm of the sofa.

  “I have nothing to say,Sandy.Not to either of you.”

  Merlin interrupted,“you look pale,Liesl.Are you feeling well?”

  “Never better,”she didn’t spare him a glance.“Where do you want to open this Gran?”

  “Right here.”

  “What is it?”Sandy questioned curiously.

  “I asked Liesl to do a portrait.”

  “I want a portrait.”Sandy whined.“You should paint me Liesl with my belly.”

  “Fuck off,”Fred interjected before Liesl could speak.

  Liesl snickered at how abrasive Fred was being and she kissed his cheek.“Down boy.”She rested the painting against the legs of the coffee table.“Gran,I’ll let you do the honors.”

  Her grandmother looked her over,“Merlin is right.You do look pale.”

  “I’m good.Isaias has been out of town this week and I don’t sleep well without him.”She smiled at her grandmother.“I’ve gotten used to being the little spoon.”

  “He’s a cuddler is he?”her gran grinned at her.

  “He is.Calls me his personal heating pad.He’s like a baby spider monkey,all arms.”She laughed as her grandmother guffawed.

  “Is this necessary,”Merlin questioned quietly.noveldrama

  “My grandmother asked why I am pale.I’m simply letting her know.If you don’t like it,fuck off.”Liesl said boldly.“Also,my legal team will be reaching out to yours tomorrow.One more text message or rude comment from you or your father to me and I’ll not only be filing restraining orders,but I’ll be also suing you both for harassment.”

  He inhaled sharply at her rebuke.

  Her grandmother unceremoniously began tearing the paper off the painting and then gave a delighted squeal interrupting the argument before it started.Her eyes were bright and luminous as her eyes flicked back and forth between the painting and Liesl.

  “Oh Liesl,it’s stunning.”

  “Jesus Christ,Gran.She painted you naked!”Sandy was edging on her seat to stare in amazement at the painting.“Liesl why?”Sandy averted her gaze,trying desperately to look everywhere but at the painting.

  “Freddy,help me hang it!”her grandmother was tugging Fred and the painting simultaneously.


  “Dining room.”

  “No!”Sandy squealed with revulsion.“People eat in there,Gran.”

  Lorraine was gripping her throat as if trying to get more air in,“I have to agree.It’s not appropriate for a dining room.You have a painting in there already.”

  “Take it down,Freddy Boy!”her grandmother exclaimed with glee.“I want my cooch on full display over the dinner table.It will make for far more interesting dinner conversation!”

  Liesl giggled at her Gran’s antics.Liesl was enjoying the stunned silence.She watched her grandmother’s face proudly staring at the painting in its entirety and waited for her to notice some of the liberties she’d taken.

  “I love the cigarette.”Fred said suddenly.“I mean,it’s you Gran.”

  “It is me.You know what I love most though?”Gran looked to Liesl with a smile,“is the little portrait in the corner,watching me on the settee.”

  Liesl watched as her mother and Sandy both squinted,then her mother gave a smile.

  “What a nice touch,Liesl.Putting your grandfather there.”

  “Thanks Mom.”She felt her mom grip her hand and squeeze it.“I knew based on what she said to me they had a very passionate love.If she was going to be anywhere naked,he would want to be there.”

  “And you ruined it,”Fred muttered as he gave a shudder.

  “It’s actually quite exquisite,”Merlin said suddenly.“You are so incredibly talented Liesl.”

  His compliment made her nod,“thanks Merlin.I was very much inspired by the woman herself.In fact,I have started an entire collection of older women embracing their bodies and their sexuality.Gran,I may borrow the painting if you permit for a show?”

  “I would be honored,”her grandmother kissed her cheek warmly.

  “You cannot display our family naked like this!”Sandy squealed.“It’s absurd.Merlin,why are you not telling her?”

  “It’s not my place to tell her anything.I fucked up a lot when I was married to Liesl,Sandy and one of the ways I fucked up was by not truly supporting and appreciating the talent she has.Go for it Liesl.Take the world by storm,one naked Granny at a time.”

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