Crossing Paths With The White Wolf

Chapter 83

Kara POV

***This chapter can be skipped to save coins**

We're always late - I grumbled.

Well, we have three children. They don't mind waiting for us for a few minutes - Celeste answered.

Yeah but I want to talk to people! - I responded.

You just want to talk to Dario and you're going to get us in trouble if you keep telling him stuff we're not supposed to know. Selene is going to be mad if she finds out. - Celeste told me for like the 5th time this month. I only told him one thing. Geeze. Selene Shmelene. I can't be expected to be the only one that knows. I need to tell people that K- I tried to say but she interrupted me before I could finish.

Don't. I told you. If I can't talk about it I don't want to know. I'm a terrible liar. - She begged.

See! This is why I need to talk to Dario. You won't let me tell you anything. And you're not a terrible liar. You pretended to be someone else for like a decade. - I reminded her.

Celeste didn't answer me and I took that as having won the argument, so I sat down and waited as our mate jumped us over to Guardian Moon Packgrounds. I'm so happy that they took this place. I like having them close and now Celeste doesn't get sad anymore when she thinks about it.

We walk into the meeting to find everyone there, including Queen Karissa and her bodyguard Braden, who looks like he was recovering from being hit by a truck. By the smug look Kassie and Gonzalo are throwing when they look at him, I'm guessing one of them did it, which means I hate him now too. No one f***s with my family.

Calm down. Whatever it was, they worked it out, or it isn't bad enough that they can't work together. - Celeste chided me.

I roll my eyes but keep an eye on any movements from him. If they don't trust him, I don't trust him. He's not in any of Celeste's visions and Selene hasn't said anything about him, so he's a wild card as far as I'm concerned.

Oh, Look! Adrien and Elias are here! I really like them. They are sweet - I mentioned.

They are here every meeting since you told them that their fate is tied to Kassie's - Celeste confirmed.

And they should be. They will play a key- I said, and she interrupted me again. I swear one of these days she'll try to put her fingers in her ears and start singing.

Don't. Behave, please. One of these days the moon goddess is going to punish both of us because you can't keep a secret to save your life. - She said.

I BEG YOUR PARDON? I HID FOR LIKE 6 MONTHS. REMEMBER? I had no one to talk to but you and you wouldn't talk back while we were working - I reminded her indignantly.

I know. I'm sorry. You know I love you and appreciate you. I'm just nervous you've overstepped the instructions and it changes things. I like the vision we saw. - She said gently.

It won't. Our gift would have seen it if it had. - I said, somewhat mollified at her words. Celeste just needs to learn to relax a little, but I love her and I know she'll be less worried once everything settles down. We haven't had the vision again in a while and it worries her.

Everyone gets down to business right away. There are only 3 days until the full moon and we need to deal with the assholes that hurt Gonzalo and Kassie and all those other poor shifters.

I start to lose focus as I feel that familiar pull. I sigh and block Celeste.

Hello Kara. - I heard Selene's voice come through once she saw the block in place.

Hi sister, what's up. - I asked, only half dreading why she would need to talk to me. I do kind of like having some inside knowledge of everyone.

What they're planning is not going to work. They don't have all of the information. - I can feel my ears flattening down on my head at her words. That doesn't sound good.

Then why don't you tell them? - I asked her. I always ask her. Just in case her answer changes.

You know I can't. - She answers and I can feel the sadness in her voice.

Well then let me tell them! I begged.

You know you can't. We can't interfere that much. If we change the course of this, it will be a trickle effect we can't afford to have. You know what's coming after this. You know what's at stake. This needs to work or we're all doomed. She said. What do you need me to tell them? - I said as I thumped my head against an invisible wall.

They need to take their amulets. It won't help tomorrow, but it will help on the full moon. Then, when... I get more frustrated as Selene tells me what needs to happen. How am I supposed to convince them of all of this without telling them what's happening? I am beginning to hate being her favorite sibling.

Oh come on, it's not that bad. You've got a crazy imagination. I have every faith in you. She teased me when I voice my conundrum.

Why don't you tell Ezequiel? - I asked.

I like talking to you. - she said quietly and I realized she was probably lonely. Just watching as everyone lives their lives and she's stuck up among the stars.noveldrama

I wish there was a way for you to come down to live with us. - I told her wistfully. It would be a lot of fun.

There is, but then I wouldn't be able to help anyone. This is best for everyone. - She said with more conviction in her decision than I would have. I slept for 100 years, but I don't think I could have watched everything unfold without being able to help.

Well, you can always count on me whenever you want, but more secrets. You know I'm bad at them. - she just laughs and breaks off the connection. I looked around and realized everyone seemed to be agreeing to something. I missed the whole planning session.

What are we doing? - I asked Celeste as I lowered the block.

Were you not listening? - She asked, annoyed.

No. Sister paid me a phone call. - I said as I huffed my chest out. I'm the only one she reaches out to. At least I think I am. s**t, what if I just think I'm the favorite and she's always talking to someone?

Anything I need to know? - Celeste asked hopefully. She may not like knowing, but she sure likes to tell people stuff. She loves to help. That's why we make such a good team.

Yes, suggest they take their amulets with them. I answered.

The amulets? Like the one that Markus has? - She clarifies.

I nodded and wagged my tail.

Why? She asked.

You don't want to know. - I said and sneezed to make fun of her reaction.

"Guys, we should make sure everyone has their amulets on for this. We never know what they have up their sleeves." Celeste told the group.

"Hmm. That's not a bad idea," Helios answered while giving us a curious look, but said nothing. I beamed at him. I have such a smart brother. He knows better than to ask.

"Yeah, it was Kara's idea," Celeste said, and everyone perked up at that. They seemed to understand the significance of the words and I puffed up like a fish at how seriously they took my words....well, technically, my sister's, but it's the same thing. What time is it? I asked as we began to exit the conference room.

Half-past midnight - She answered after looking at her phone.

Oh, that went quick. Can we go on a run with Atlas? We told Alex we'd be back at 1. - I stretched happily at the thought.

'Atlas wants a run. You up for it?' Markus' sexy voice came into our head before Celeste could answer me and I was purring that we had the same thought. 'I'll take that as a yes, he laughed, while I heard Atlas purring back at us. Mates are so hot.

Markus jumps us over the border and we disrobe before shifting. I stretch my paws in the cool evening grass. Atlas comes over and nuzzles my face and licks me, but he's in for a surprise. I have way too much energy and I want to play. I turn around and slap his shoulder with my tail before I nip at his hind leg and I take off running. I could hear Celeste and Markus laughing as we ran. I feel Atlas catching up and nips my tail playfully.

Should I let him win or keep going? Alexander probably needed to sleep so I slowed down and we rolled around down the water bank. He pins me and licks my neck, asking me to submit. I sneezed at him before I let him bite my neck playfully.

My beautiful mate - He purrs in our head - Such a powerful Aztec goddess that submits to no one but me.

His words turn me into a puddle and I lick his face. Only you have that power, Atlas. No one else is worthy.

Let's go check on the pups. Then you and I will have some fun - He purrs with pride.

Yess, I want to ride you. - I said as I began running back towards the packhouse.

You can have all the fun you want but Lucien feeds in two hours. - Celeste reminded me. I nodded as we shifted back and headed inside. Markus pinched our butt as we ran to the elevator, making Celeste giggle.

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