How My Neighbor Stole Christmas

: Chapter 25

Every Kringle in Kringletown, the old and the young,

Didn’t expect Chadwick to like pineapple on his tongue.

And yet Jimmy took first; he won the whole thing!

While Cole thought of ways to remove Storee’s G-string.

With his teeth? With his hands? With the hook of a candy cane?

He can’t wait, for the bulge in his pants continues to strain.

“Are you cold?” I ask Storee as I rest my hand over her thigh while I drive us toward Evergreen Farm. It’s only a few minutes’ drive, but I want to make sure she’s as comfortable as possible.

“No,” she says.

“But you shivered,” I reply.

“Because you dragged your hand over my upper thigh.”

I glance over at her and smirk. “Did I arouse you?”

“Remove that smirk from your face.”

“Why?” I ask as I drag my thumb over her denim-clad legs.

“Because I don’t think a man with the kind of sex appeal that you have should be in any way encouraged or have his ego inflated. It’s bad enough you make me shiver with one touch of your hand, even worse that you’re what I’ve thought about for the last two days—I don’t need you knowing it.”

“Then why did you just tell me?” I ask as I smirk again at her.

She points in front of us and gruffly says, “Just drive.”

I let out a deep rumble of a laugh as I do as I’m told.

After we’d cleaned up our stations, handed out candy canes to the crowd, and then said our goodbyes, I pulled Storee to the side and told her she was coming with me.

She rolled her eyes in front of her sister, whispered something to her, then gave her a hug—followed by a hug for Cindy—and joined me. When we reached my truck and slid into the cab, I pulled her across the bench seat and devoured her mouth for a solid minute before I let us both grab some air.

The only reason I pulled away was because I was worried Taran might see us, as she wasn’t too far behind in packing up Cindy into the car.

But now that we’re alone and headed to the farm, I have several ideas of what I plan on doing.

Since the drive isn’t far, we pull onto the road that leads to Evergreen Farm as I ask, “Are you going to say anything about the competition results?”

“Yes…why didn’t you use pineapple like Atlas told you to?”

I roll my eyes. Should have known that was coming.

“I think you know why. From what happened with the pineapple last time, I was playing it safe.”

“Safe didn’t secure you the win.”

“Secured second, which was better than what you got,” I counter, but with a smile so she knows I’m only teasing.

“If I’d had an assistant like you did, I probably would have secured second.”

“You did have an assistant.” I squeeze her thigh. “You were just knocked points for it. Which, by the way, I recall you saying something about paying me back later. Well, now is later…”

She chuckles. “Are you really this persistent?”

“Where you’re concerned, yes.” I drive the truck down the newly paved path that leads right behind the barn, and then I put it in park.

She glances out the window at the green two-tier barn that is outlined in white molding. “This is where you go every day?”

“My second home,” I say. “Wait.” I hop out of the truck and round the front, then I open her door. When her eyes meet mine and I hold my hand out, I say, “Trying to be a gentleman here.”

“After the texts you sent me, you are now trying to be a gentleman?”

“A gentleman can hold the door open for you…and slap your fine ass when you beg for it.”


I pause and watch the glint form in his eyes. “Cole Black…I think you’re trouble.”

“You would be right about that,” he says as he helps me out of his truck. He connects our palms and holds me close as we walk straight up to the barn to a side door.

“Please tell me it’s heated in there,” I say with a shiver.

He chuckles. “Jesus, you need to grow thicker blood. But yes, it’s heated.” He holds the door open for me, and I slip in past him just as he smacks me right on the rear end. I gasp and turn to look at him. He smirks. “See, I can be a gentleman and still smack your ass.” He places his arm over my shoulders and walks me farther into the barn—the very clean, neat, surprisingly modern barn.

The floor is cement, there doesn’t seem to be an ounce of dirt anywhere, and there are structural wooden beams that look like they’re from the 1800s holding up the entire building. It’s warm, it smells like…hay, and there is the sound of light huffs and snorts coming from some pens in the back.

“This is not what I expected,” I say, still taking it all in as I enter the space.

Off to the right is a room with a sign hanging over the door that says Office. Inside is a desk and a simple chair. On top of the desk is a laptop, some neatly stacked paperwork, and a printer.

“Is that where you work?” I ask, pointing to it.

“Yeah, funnily enough, I’m not just brushing reindeer coats all day. There’s a lot more that goes into the job. Some admin work that I really hate. Scheduling. Ordering. Things like that.”

“Oh, I had no idea. Your hands screamed farm hand, not keyboard master.”

He chuckles. “Well, I tend to spend more time out of the office than in, but it’s necessary to stop in at least once a day or else I’ll fall behind. The Maxheimers have made it simple with the business and all the facets that go into it. We’re all in charge of our own little sections, which are small enough that we can handle them on our own and don’t get overwhelmed. So for me, I know what I need for the reindeer and I don’t have to depend on other people to get it done. Supplies, vet visits, all of that I get to control. And I just report in every Friday to let them know that everything has been handled and any events coming up have been scheduled. Max is the same with the tree farm.”

“That makes so much sense—nothing gets left behind.”

“Exactly,” he says. “But yeah, this is where I hang out every day. I like to keep it clean. Max thinks it’s funny how neat I am. I get pissed at him when he traipses into the barn in his muddy farm boots leaving dirt and gunk everywhere. I always have to power wash the floors after.”

“Who knew you were so persistent in needing a clean space.”

“Well, I have school trips come visit the barn, and I just think it’s important to make sure we present ourselves in a professional way at all times.”

“I can see that.” I walk down the hall, toward the stalls. “Are they back here?”

“They are,” he says, following me. “We bring them in at night so they can calm down from the day’s events, get comfortable, and find some peace before the next day starts.”

“Seems like you care about them a lot.”

“We do,” he says as he walks up to one of the pens and makes a clicking noise. I hear a grumble and then antlers appear, followed by a large head and wet nose. “This is Colleen, aka Comet. By day, she is one of Santa’s favorites. By night, she’s Colleen, a rowdy girl who tends to find joy in shoving her snout in my armpit until I scratch behind her ear. Isn’t that right, Colleen?” He reaches into the pen and scratches her ear, and by God, it’s the cutest thing I think I’ve ever seen.

A hot man loving on an animal, knowing the animal’s personality…I need to fan myself.

“She’s beautiful.” I reach in and stroke her cheek, fascinated by her wiry coat.

“She is. And this over here, her frenemy, is David, aka Dasher. David is the eater of the group and, if not separated, will eat everyone’s food.” I glance over into David’s pen and notice a rather large reindeer, broad in size though not tubby in the slightest. Just a beefy fella that I would not want to mess with.

“David looks like he gives off a don’t-mess-with-me vibe.”

“He does,” Cole says with a chuckle.

He brings me on down the line, introducing me to every reindeer and telling me different stories about them. Petunia once ate his sleeve right off his flannel shirt. Tore it off and had zero regrets. Vincent is the oldest of the group with his white face and goatee. He’s the most docile and was here when Cole’s parents passed. They spent a lot of time together. Randy is the rowdiest. Beetle—one of the kids named him—doesn’t like anything to do with bells, Christmas, or chilly weather, which I think is funny. And so on. But my favorite is Rutabaga. One, for her name, and two, because every time she’s let out of her stall, she takes off cantering, does three circles around the corral, and then bows. They don’t know why or where she learned it, but she does it and I think that is fun.

“I can tell you love what you do, Cole.”

He nods as he leans against one of the poles in the barn. “I do. Sometimes the reindeer can be a pain in my ass, especially when Petunia thinks she can strip me out of my clothes, but I’m grateful for the job and the freedom.”

“Petunia needs to know there’s a new girl in town,” I say as I walk up to him and place my hand on his chest.

He rests his hands on my hips and pulls me in closer. “I’m not sure she’s going to like that. She really likes eating my clothes off.”

I chuckle and slip my hand up to his neck. “You know, it’s kind of disturbing when you say it like that.”

He grins and then tilts my chin up only to bring his lips to mine. He pauses, not closing the distance all the way, making me wait, but after a few beats, his mouth descends the rest of the way and I feel myself melting into him.

He lightly moans into my mouth, our tongues matching up, our desire sparking.

His hands grow tight on my hips while I start unbuttoning his flannel shirt, one button at a time, all the way down until I can flap it open, revealing his thick, strong chest.

He groans as I drag my nails across his pecs, feeling slightly unhinged at the possibility of having this man in the reindeer barn. His mouth continues to work mine as he untucks my shirt from my pants and then drags it up my body and over my head. Thank God it’s warm in here.

Then to my surprise, he spins me around and pushes me up against the wooden pole, my back against the firm wood. He takes a step back for a moment and runs his hand over his jaw as he takes me all in. It has to be one of the hottest perusals I’ve ever been witness to.

His eyes wander, looking me up and down, taking in the way my breath is heavy in my chest, the way my breasts rise and fall to my heartbeat. It’s intoxicating. And when he grins, I feel a dull throb start to erupt between my legs.

Cole Black knows exactly what he’s doing with those dangerous eyes, and I can’t get enough of it.

He walks past me, his hand grazing my stomach, and tells me to stay in place as he reaches a hook just a few feet away. I hear the clang of metal and then feel the smooth texture of leather glide down my arm.

Cole’s mouth is right next to my ear as he whispers, “I want to tie you up. You okay with that?”

I feel my nipples go hard as he drags the leather over my palms. “Y-yes,” I say quietly.

“Does the wood bother your back?” he asks. “Because I plan on fucking you hard, but I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“It’s smooth,” I say as he gathers my wrists and brings them around the pole and behind me. The wooden pole, although old and worn, has been covered in a clear coat of varnish, preserving the wood and creating a smooth surface rather than one that could leave splinters.

“Good,” he growls as he loops the leather reins around my wrists, keeping me in place.

When he comes back around, he once again slowly takes me in, and I do the same. I’m drawn to the way his opened shirt gives me a glimpse of his abs, his chest, and his impeccable torso. And the strong set of his legs, the V in his hips…the bulge in his pants. The sprinkling of trimmed hair, the sinew clawing under his skin when he moves, and the dark, devilish stare in his eyes as he reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a thick green-and-yellow candy cane. When did he snag that from Jimmy?

He drags the thick candy cane against his tongue and then steps up to me and tests it on my lips before I open my mouth and he moves it over my tongue. A subtle but nice pineapple flavor floods my taste buds before he sticks it back in his mouth. As the candy cane hangs out of his mouth, he reaches for my bra and undoes the front clasp, releasing my breasts. His hands immediately find them. I groan as he squeezes, tweaks, massages in just the right way, driving me to a point where the undeniable need for friction erupts through me.

He releases me with one hand, pops the candy cane out of his mouth, and then drags it over the tip of my nipple right before he bends forward and sucks the pointed nub into his mouth. A hiss escapes me as I surrender to his mouth, his tongue…his teeth.

Yes. This. I want all of this.

He nibbles his way around my breast, marking his territory and teasing me while he brings the candy cane back to my mouth. This time, I suck it past my teeth, hard. His eyes glance up at me as he leans to take in my other nipple. But he pauses to watch me suck on the thick candy cane. He bites the corner of his lip as I continue to suck on it, over and over, until he starts moving it in and out past my lips.

“Do you want to suck my cock like this, Storee?” he asks in a deep, commanding voice.

“Yes,” I say.

He removes the candy cane from my mouth, puts it in his, and then undoes his pants and pushes them down to his ankles along with his briefs, letting his length stretch up his stomach as he takes it in his hand and starts slowly, lazily pumping.

“Then suck me off,” he says.

I glance down and then back up at him, wondering how this is going to work with my hands still bound behind the pole. Knowing I have one option, I squat down so my ass is touching my heels, and he steps forward, bringing him right up to my mouth.

“Swirl the candy cane around your head,” I say.

He pops it out of his mouth and brings it down to his dick, running the sugary substance over his length, around the ridge, and over the tip, coating himself.

“Lick me clean,” he mumbles before placing his hand on the back of my head and encouraging me forward.

I bring my tongue to the base of his cock, flatten it, and then slowly drag it upward as I watch for his reaction. The muscles in his neck strain as he shifts his pelvis forward, clearly wanting more, so I continue the sweet torture, licking in the same spot over and over again until he groans out of frustration. That’s when I form a point with my tongue and make circles along the tip, loving the taste of pineapple as I do so.

I maintain control despite wanting to take him into the back of my throat. I continue to clean him up, lick every surface, not once, not twice, but three times until the veins in his cock are straining and precum rests at the tip. That’s when I open my mouth wide and suck him all the way into the back of my throat, and I swallow.

“Fuck,” he says as his hand slaps against the pole behind me. “Shit, Storee.”

I do it again, bringing him all the way back, but this time I gag in the best way.

“Fuck, yes. Again,” he says as he rubs his thumb over my cheek. “All the way to the back, Storee. Swallow my cock.”

I bring him to the back, swallow twice, and then pop him out of my mouth, only to lick him again…and again…and again.

When he grows frustrated, I kiss down his cock to his balls, where I run my tongue along his seam, causing his cock to twitch. When he doesn’t tell me to stop, I open my mouth and suck him past my lips.

“Fuuuuuck,” he draws out, his head falling forward as he braces himself against the pole. “Your goddamn mouth, Storee.” I can’t help but smile as I drag out my return to his cock and take him past my lips. Sucking him hard, squeezing him to the point that he’s panting.

“Shit,” he mutters. “You have to stop.”

But I don’t.

That’s exactly what I wanted him to say. I open wide and take him all the way back in my throat again, allowing him to gag me, which causes him to slam his fist against the pole before pulling away from me, releasing himself from my mouth.

He stands there, muscles firing off, staring down at me, his cock fucking beautiful as it stretches out in front of him, ready to burst.

And I want him to.

On my tongue.

On my face.

On my chest.

I want him marking me, claiming me.

“Come on me,” I say as he slips the candy cane over his lips.

“The only way I want to come is in that sweet pussy of yours,” he says as he brings his hand to my chin and guides me back up the pole until I’m fully standing again.

As he steps in closer, I feel his length press against me and I’m inwardly cursing as I want so desperately to grip him.

But before I can ask him to untie me, he brings the candy cane to his mouth, and then undoes my pants, pushing them and my G-string down to my ankles. Rather than leaving them on, he helps me step out of them, along with my shoes.

He then kicks my feet apart so I’m spread for him, and he fingers between my legs, testing me.

He lets out a feral groan as he finds just how wet I am.

“You want this cock, don’t you?” he asks while he strokes himself with his other hand.

I nod. “I do.”

“You’ll get it, but first…” He brings the candy cane down between us and parts me before dragging it along my clit. Everything—the warmth of his mouth from sucking the sugar to the smooth surface—is a new sensation I wasn’t expecting.

“Oh God,” I say as he passes over my clit a few times before bringing it back up to his mouth and he sucks my taste off the candy cane, keeping eye contact with me the entire time.

“Fucking delicious,” he says before bringing the candy cane back to my clit, rubbing it up and down.

Up and down.

And then back to his mouth, letting his tongue roll over the candy cane before bringing it back to my clit one more time.

It’s erotic.

It has me reeling.

It has me panting, wanting so much more.

“Stop teasing me,” I say.

“Teasing?” he growls as he pops the candy cane in his mouth and then brings his fingers to my clit where he makes small circles, massaging me in just the right spot that my body starts to climb higher in pleasure. “I’m not fucking teasing.” He offers me the candy cane and I suck on the tip. “I’m edging you like you fucking edged me.”

I let go of the candy cane. “That was pleasuring.”

He grins and then brings the candy cane back to my clit, rubs the smooth surface over me a few more times before he sucks on it, a groan falling past his lips.

“You taste so fucking good,” he says right before he gets on his knees in front of me, lifts one of my legs over his shoulder, and parts me for his tongue.

My head falls back against the pole as he goes down on me, his tongue running along my sensitive clit, his lips kissing, sucking, his fingers sliding inside of me. He knows exactly how to work me, how to get me to where I need to be. And he’s relentless about it, pushing me and pushing me, edging me to the point that I’m about to tip over, but then pulls away and presses small kisses all around where I need him the most.

“Please, Cole,” I beg as he starts to slide his fingers inside of me again. “I need…more.”

He sucks my clit between his lips in response.

“Oh my God,” I shout as my hands tug on the reins. “Oh my God, Cole…oh…oh fuck.”

He sucks harder, sending pleasure shooting through me, collecting like a burning flame in the pit of my stomach, churning and ready to explode.

“Yes…yes,” I say, my body tensing. “Right there. Oh my God, you’re so good.”

I bite my lip, wishing I could force him to stay where he is, to get me off.

And just as the burning pleasure deep within me starts to erupt, he pulls away from my clit, stands, and then positions his rock-hard cock at my entrance. I have no time to protest the absence of his mouth because he fills me, looping my leg around his waist and thrusting into me with such force that I swear I can feel him all the way against my kidney.

“Can’t get enough,” he says, his hips forcefully rocking against me. “Squeeze my cock, Storee.”

Unable to hold on to him, I use my leg as an anchor and when he thrusts inside of me, I clench around him.

The first time, he groans so loudly that I fear the entire farm might hear him.

The second time, he bites down on the base of my neck.

The third time turns him into a frenzied man as his hands fall to my ass, propping me up more and driving frantically into me.

Pounding into me.



Fucking with so much force that it creates an unbelievable friction against my clit.

And then he starts moving me up and down as well, and that’s when he hits me in a spot I’ve only ever felt with him.

“Oh fuck,” I yell as pleasure sparks through me.

He does it again, making my entire body break out into chills.

One more time and I’m seeing stars.

Then he bites down on my shoulder with one more thrust, sending me right over the edge, and together we come, my pussy contracting around his cock, his body stiffening as he groans against me, filling me with his cum.

“Jesus fuck,” he mutters against my shoulder and then pulls away just enough to look at me. When our eyes meet, he offers me a smirk before pressing a kiss to my lips.

Then he gently pulls out and sets my feet back on the ground. He places his cock back in his briefs and pulls his jeans up before buttoning them back up. And then to my surprise, he squats in front of me and with the candy cane—how on earth did he hold on to that the whole time?—he scoops up his cum from near my pussy and brings the candy cane up to my mouth.

I look him in the eyes, then down at the candy cane, and when I part my lips, his eyes go feral as I lick him off the candy cane.

When he pulls the candy cane out of my mouth, he drops it to the ground, scoops his hand behind my head, and kisses me so hard that I feel it all the way down to my toes.


I’m overwhelmed.

Really fucking overwhelmed because I like her.

I like her a lot.

And because I like her so much, fear is pulsing through me. What’s going to happen when she decides to leave? I don’t want to lose this, lose her, when I’m feeling this way, like…like she’s brought the life back into me after so many years of listlessness.

Like she’s brought me back home.

Like I can enjoy the things around me without the heavy cloud of grief engulfing me.

Like I can enjoy the Christmas season.

Like I have new air to breathe.

And it’s terrifying.

“You’ve gone quiet,” Storee says as she presses her cheek against my bare chest.

“Just thinking.”

After I released her from the pole, we got into my truck and drove back to town. I parked around the corner behind Prancer’s Libations, but instead of going to the bar, we snuck through the alleyway, through some trees, and straight to my backyard where we entered through the kitchen door, ensuring neither Taran nor Cindy would be the wiser. I would have stayed in the barn, but I wanted something more peaceful and soft with her after what we did against that pole—a pole I’ll never look at in the same way anymore.

So we made some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, ate them while sitting on the kitchen counter, and then went up to my room where I slowly peeled off her clothes and moved her over to my bed, running my lips and tongue over every inch of her body until she was panting, begging for me. I languidly fucked her, taking it slow, feeling every second of pleasure roll through the both of us.

“What are you thinking about?” Storee asks, bringing me back to the moment as she draws small circles over my skin.

“You,” I answer as I kiss her forehead.

“Good things or bad things?”

“Good things.” It’s a bit of a lie, but the last thing I need to do is have a needy conversation about where this is all going.

“Oh yeah?” she asks as I caress her ass, loving how goddamn round it is, how it’s more than just a handful. “Tell me more.”

I smirk and kiss the top of her head. “I don’t think I need to inflate your ego any more than it already is. Hell, you already know that you can make me black out with one squeeze of that tight cunt.”

She chuckles. “Oh, the power I have.”

“Yeah.” I blow out a heavy breath. “Some real strong power, that’s for damn sure.”

She chuckles and kisses the underside of my jaw. “Do you think we should have made more of an appearance out in town so people could see us?”

“Nah,” I say as my hand glides over her hip and then back to her ass. “I think they could tell we were headed out tonight. Not to mention I probably would have been all over you if we were in public, which I’m not sure screams Christmas spirit.”

“Feeling someone up in public sure as hell gives me the holly jollies.”

I let out a low laugh. “Yes, but it’s also a G-rated town. We’d be docked points in our Kringle endeavor.”

“Ooo, we can’t have that, especially since we’re so close in the competition standings. A three-point difference. I double-checked with Bob Krampus before we left for the barn.”

“How does Taran feel about that?” I ask.

“Well, this is the first time I’ve been allowed out of the house except for coffee runs in two days, so you tell me how she feels about the competition.”

I chuckle some more. “Who knew she was going to be so involved?”

“I didn’t. I think she and Aunt Cindy had some sort of secret meeting when they went to Golden, because ever since they’ve come back, it’s like they’ve kicked it into overdrive. Or at least Taran has. I’m sure if I checked my phone, there’d be a ton of text messages from her asking where I am.”

“What are you going to tell her when you get back to the house?”

“I was thinking about this,” she says as she lifts up on her elbow to stare down at me. The smirk on her lips is fucking sexy, and the way her unkempt hair is tossed to the side reminds me just how much I ran my hands through it only a few moments ago. “How about…you got a flat back at the farm, and because you’re stupid and an idiot, you didn’t have a spare tire. So then we had to wait for someone to help us, but because the only mechanic that could come was returning from helping someone out in the mountains, it was going to take some time.”

“Stupid and an idiot?” I ask, raising one brow.

She chuckles. “Playing the game here. I have to convince her that I want nothing to do with you. Stupid and an idiot would be terms I use.”

“Okay, but just so we’re on the same page, I don’t think the man who just made you come so hard that you shattered beneath him is stupid or an idiot.”

Her fingers dance over my chest hair. “No, that man is magic.”

“Magic, huh?” I say as I drag her on top of me.

“Mm-hmm,” she says as she moves her fingers over my beard. “God, who knew this was where my trip to Kringle was going to take me. I thought I’d be freezing and helping clean an elderly woman’s crevices.”

“Uh, okay. Don’t use that term again.”

She lets out a boisterous laugh.

“Seriously though, I love that we reconnected. Don’t you?”

I shift her and say, “My dick gets hard whenever you’re around, so you tell me.”

She chuckles and moves to the side, gripping my once-again hardening cock in her hand. “God, it’s as if you haven’t had sex in a long time and you’re trying to reach your quota for the year.”

I shake my head. “No, I haven’t had good sex with the right person, and now that I have, I don’t want that to change.”

Her smile turns sultry as she slowly runs her hand over my length. “I don’t want it to change either,” she says. “I’ve had so much fun with you, Cole.”

“I’ve had fun with you too,” I say as she continues to stroke me.

“And we’re going to have to continue to be creative about seeing each other.”

“We will,” I say as I feel my body melt into the mattress from the feel of her hand. When she lifts up and straddles my legs, I take in her whole body—from her full breasts to her curvy hips and her pointed nipples—and I know without a doubt that no one will ever be better than her. “Or,” I say as she sits up on her knees and poises my cock at her entrance, “we tell Taran the truth.”

Storee pauses, her eyes meeting mine.

“Tell her the truth?” she says, not letting me enter her as she looks to me for answers. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

I want inside of her.

I fucking need to feel her warmth, but it doesn’t stop me from asking, “Why not?”

“Because…I just think we should wait.”

“Wait until when?”

“Until the competition is over,” she says.

“Why? What does it matter?”

She glides the tip of my cock over her wet clit, and I nearly choke on my own saliva.

“Because I don’t want Taran ruining this, and I don’t want anything to distract us from what we have. One thing at a time,” she says as she slowly lowers so I enter her.

Hell, what did she say?

I can’t process.

Not when she’s letting me inside her…bare.

Since she’s on birth control, we’re both comfortable with not using condoms, and this is easily the best fucking feeling I’ve ever experienced. I swear her pussy was made for me.

“You’re so goddamn perfect,” I say, forgetting the conversation and focusing on what she’s doing. “Jesus Christ, nothing feels better.”

“I love how you fill me up, Cole,” she says as she lowers herself all the way down and then pauses, taking a few deep breaths. “Your cock is amazing.” She starts shifting her hips, taking charge as I lie there and stare up at her face and the way she pulls on the corner of her lip. The awe in her eyes. The desperation in her breathing as her pace picks up. “It shouldn’t be this good.”

“It fucking should,” I say as she moves faster, and my eyes narrow on her breasts that are bouncing, begging me to touch, but I don’t. I lace my hands together behind my head and let her use me.

Her hands fall to my pecs, her fingers clawing at my skin, her head falling forward, and her stomach hollowing as she seeks out her own pleasure.

It’s fucking sexy.



Watching her rock over me, feel the friction she needs to come all from my cock, from my body. I love it. I fucking love it so much.

“Fuck my cock, Storee,” I say, my hands itching to touch her.

“God,” she moans, her body propped up now as she repositions herself, her hands falling behind her, her back arching.

And what a fucking view.

“Jesus,” I mutter, my eyes fixed on our connection. I can see her wetness glisten. I can practically taste her arousal on my tongue. Her pretty pink clit is on full display as she rocks her hips forward.

“Oh God…oh fuck,” she says as she lifts and slams back down, causing my eyes to roll in the back of my head.

“Mother…fucker,” I grind out, because I know when she slammed back down, she clenched. There’s not a doubt in my—“Fuck!” I yell when she does it again, making me feel like she’s slamming my cock through the tightest fucking hole. “Jesus, Storee.”

She does it again.

And again.

And again, until I’m fucking heaving, my balls tightening, my legs numb…

“I’m there, Storee. Fuck, I’m right…ahhhh, Jesus fuck!” I yell as she lets out a feral moan, her pussy contracting around me, her body convulsing, sending me right over the edge as I come hard inside her.

Her body falls forward, her head to my chest, and I wrap my arms around her, holding her in place.

A few moments later, she lifts her head just enough so I can see those heady eyes. She grins and whispers, “I love your cock so much.”

I chuckle. “I could tell.”

And then I carry her to the bathroom where I help her clean up and then clean up myself. After a few seconds of silence, she finds her clothes and starts putting them on.

“Don’t like what you’re doing,” I say as I slip on my briefs and then lean against the wall, watching her snap the front clasp of her bra together.

“I know,” she answers. “But Taran’s going to start freaking out.”

I let out a disgruntled sigh. “What are you doing tomorrow?”

“Probably practicing choreography.”

“Choreography?” I ask with a raised brow.

“For the Christmas caroling portion of the competition,” she answers as she finishes putting on her shirt.

“I know, but you’re going to have choreography?”

“And you’re not?” she asks. “That seems like a mistake. Does Max know you’re not going to have choreography?”

“Yeah,” I answer. “He’s planned out this entire performance.”

“And there’s no choreography?”

I shake my head. “No, we’re going to kind of wing it like we did for the Upcycle Christmas.”

“That seems dangerous, although probably better for me if you’re not prepared.” She smirks and walks up to me, pressing a kiss on my cheek before heading down the stairs away from my bedroom. I follow her.

“I don’t think they’re going to be looking for a whole choreographed routine. I think it’s more about the caroling.”

“Well, I can’t sing to save my life, so it’s going to have to be about the choreography.”

“Are you nervous?” I ask as we make it down another flight of stairs to the main level. “You know, after everything that happened last time you were in Kringle?”

“Yes,” she says. “Terrified, actually. I’ve been dreading this section. At least with the others, I could hide behind the task, produce something to be judged. But this…this is sort of all on me. I’m being judged, and I don’t like that. Makes me extremely uncomfortable.”

“I can understand that.” I pull her hips toward me and kiss the top of her head. “What song are you singing?”

“Not going to tell you,” she playfully answers. “I might be obsessed with your penis, but I’m not about to give you the secrets of my plans to win the Town Kringle.”

“I don’t need insight to win,” I respond. “I’m going to win either way, with intel or without. My merit alone will take the crown.”

“Oh my God,” she mutters as she moves away from me and heads to the back of the kitchen. “Could you sound any more ridiculous?”

“I could,” I say. “Want me to try?”

“No.” She slips her boots on and then her jacket and turns toward me.

I pull her in close. “Thank you for coming out with me tonight.”

“Thank you for showing me a different way to enjoy a candy cane.”

I let out a low laugh. “Any time.”

I lift her chin and press a kiss to her lips, keeping it light or else I’ll want more from her.

“I would walk you to your house, but I’m pretty sure Taran wouldn’t appreciate seeing me in my briefs and boots.”

“I mean, I wouldn’t mind it,” she replies. “But yeah, Taran might find issue with the getup.” She kisses me one more time. “I’ll text you, okay?”

“Okay,” I say and then reluctantly let her leave. I close the door behind her and then lean against the counter for a few seconds contemplating what the hell is going on with my life.

I push off the counter and find my phone, only to see a few texts from Max.

Max: Dude, what the hell did you do in that barn? I had to grab something from the shed and heard extreme moaning. And yes, I mean extreme!

Max: Can you please let me know you’re at least alive?

Chuckling, I call him. He answers on the first ring.

“Cole, is that you?”

“Don’t be a fucking idiot,” I say as I move into the living room where my Christmas tree is lit up.

“Excuse me for caring about your well-being. From the noises I heard, I was genuinely concerned someone was dying. Oh shit, wait. Did you kill her?”

“No,” I groan. “No one died.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. I just said bye to her, actually. She’s headed back to her house from mine.”

“You went from the barn to your house? What kind of stamina do you have?”

I laugh. “With her…a lot.”


I drag my hand over my face and say what’s been on my mind. “I feel like this is what we should have been doing this entire time.”

“Scaring people into thinking you’re one thrust away from croaking?”

“No,” I say in exasperation. “Being with her. It feels so right, Max. Like she was supposed to be mine all along. All those times we sat on the porch together and talked about mindless things, it’s all led to this point, and I just wish back then I’d had the balls to tell her I liked her.”

“Have you told her now?”

“Yes,” I say. “I tell her all the time because I want her to know that if she’s willing, I want to keep this going, to let it be more than a Christmas fling.”

“Is that what she thinks it is?”

“I don’t know,” I say. “I mean, it doesn’t seem like it.”


He’s silent, which is concerning. “What are you not saying, Max?”

“Nothing, don’t worry about me.”

“I am fucking worried, so just say it.”

He sighs. “Dude, what if this is something else?” I can hear the trepidation in his voice.

“What do you mean?”

“Okay, hear me out. I’m not saying this is what she’s doing, but what if, hell, I don’t know, what if she’s using you, getting in your head so she can win this competition?”

“No,” I say with a firm shake of my head even though he can’t see me. “She wouldn’t do that.”

“Are you sure? And I don’t like being that guy, so don’t fucking hate me, but didn’t all this just happen overnight? What if this is part of the plan?”noveldrama

“Do you really think that little of her? Think that she’d be someone who played with another human’s feelings in order to win a stupid town competition?”

“I know, dude. I hate even thinking it, but I’m just…well, I’m protective of you, and I want to make sure that you’re okay, you know? I don’t want anyone fucking with you.”

“I get it, man, and I appreciate it. But trust me when I say she’s not doing that. That she wouldn’t do that.”

“Okay. Good. And I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize—I appreciate you looking out for me.”

“It’s my duty. You’re my little Snow Daddy nugget. I have to make sure you’re always taken care of.”

“Don’t fucking call me that,” I snap.

“It’s cute that you think I’ll stop. Now”—he pauses and then adds—”let’s talk about the candy cane and how we should have done pineapple.”

“I’m hanging up.”

“Hold on.” He pauses again. “Just for the record, since I don’t think it’s sunk in…I told you so.”

“Goodbye,” I shout and then hang up the phone.

I then shoot a text over to Storee.

Cole: Get home okay?

Thankfully she texts back right away.

Storee: Yes, and the entire walk back, I swear I could still feel you inside of me.

Jesus Christ.

I drag my hand over my mouth, my smile impossible to hide.

Yup, she has captured me, mind, body—and dick.

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