Chapter 43
Sofia Andrew
Amelia joins me in the workshop to see the progress of the new models while we talk about her favorite topic these days-Angel. She was so disappointed when she found out that she had interrupted at the right moment. I also told her what happened at lunch with Angel's mother and sister and the little lesson I intended to teach that brat. "Are you aware that the brat will get mad at you and freak out when she finds out you're behind it?"
"That's the idea, Amelia. She needs to start realizing that what she and her family enjoy is because of me, and my marriage with Angel, but I can take it away from her whenever I want."
"Angel might get angry with you and you two are making progress. Aren't you afraid that it might ruin everything?"
"No. You know I'm not a woman with fear. Besides, Angel knows what kind of sister he has and if not, he should start getting to know her. If no one knows how to put her in her place, I will. Come on, what's the worst that can happen? Angel shouting at me? Nothing
"True. It's time for that brat to respect you, but out of all the things you can do to her, you decided to take away the most anticipated annual event for girls her age in our society. She will never forgive you." Amelia commented while shaking her head. "Not that I want her forgiveness. She can go and cry to her family or even Elisa. I don't care."
"Girl, I support you, but you know it can possibly turn into an argument with Angel," As if I care. The brat deserves that. "What did he say to you when you put his toxic family to their right place?" Amelia asked in curiousity.
"Nothing much, really. It's like he's holding back his laughter or maybe he's not paying enough attention to me and he was thinking of what to answer after I ask him how he feels about Elisa and me."
"Straight up, you never learned to be tactful in speaking." My friend said in defeat.
"Between me and Angel, there is no room to dodge or deviate. A lot has happened, so hopefully, he sees all the lies of that witch."
"That's true, but what did he answer you?"
"Nothing. I don't know if it's because he didn't have an answer or because the two of them were there, but I'd rather have him tell me the truth than worry that one day he'll go back to what he's doing back then. That he'll let Elisa play with his mind again." "Speaking of which, I got our friend, Patricia, but I don't think she'll tell us anything."
"Where is she? What does she do with her life?"
"Travel, shopping and nothing else. Well, she has a small cosmetics company that she manages herself, and I heard she wants to expand it, but daddy doesn't seem to want to help her, but the money is not that easy to get and she can't loan from banks because she doesn't meet the requirements."
"If it can take care of itself, that's all right," I stood up and grabbed my stuff. "So the store isn't making a profit?"
"Yes. She's been months behind on payments. The bank is demanding for payment and if not, they're going to take all her asses."
"Is she renting or something?"
"It was her father's, but as I told you, she no longer receives his support and not to mention, the bank won't stop."
"Okay. Let's go."
"Where will we go?" She asked as she follows me. "Sofia, wait! Where will we go?"
"Let's talk to our old friend."
"And what will you say to her?"
"When we're in front of each other, you just follow my lead and that's it."
A few minutes later, we entered the cosmetics store. It's good, there are recognized brands and people are buying. It's not as bad as I thought. "She's over there," Amelia told me and we walked over to the cashier.
"Wow, what a small world, do you think, Amelia?" I started to act and nudged Amelia a little.
"Yes, the store is very nice, and we didn't expect to see you here."
"I'd say it's a coincidence, but I don't think so," Patricia replied without looking at us.
"Would you look at that, Sofia? She has a brain after after all," Amelia teased her and she finally looked at us.
"Stop mocking me and tell me what you want." Patricia demanded in frustration.
"Direct. I like that. But I'd rather us talk in a private place,"
"I'm busy." Patricia said and rolled her eyes.
"Take your time because I don't think you want us to talk here." Amelia used her lawyer's tone.
But Patricia was never one to back down. Just like her friend. "And If I refuse, will you leave?"
Amelia and I both shook out head no and she motioned for us to follow her to an office above the store.
"What do you want? It must be something important for you to personally come here."
"I see you've finally developed some intelligence," Amelia said sarcastically.
"I want the information you have," She looked at me with a frown. "About Elisa."
Patricia looked at us before laughing. "I knew she has returned from her journey. Why? Is she ruining your marriage?" She taunted me. "No, but I found out something and it has been bugging me and I told myself, who can clarify my doubts? And your name came up." "Who knows her better than her shadow?" Amelia taunted her back.
"I'm not her shadow, and I'd watch that tone if I were you. Can't you get over the fact that I took your boyfriend away from you, Amelia?"
"No. I appreciate it, really. I didn't know how to break up with him and you were the perfect excuse because I was even the victim." Amelia mocks because it was Patricia that she found her college boyfriend with.
"The issue is simple, we know that Elisa is not a saint, especially not a virgin when she started dating Angel. We also know that she only has the image of a loyal lover to him, so it's a simple question: was she really pregnant?" "I don't know, ask him or your husband."
"I am asking you."
"And why do you think I will answer you like some trained dog?"
"You see? I told you this bitch wouldn't cooperate with us," Amelia told me, clearly pissed.
"You will answer not only that question, but everything I want for one simple reason," I calmly told her and looked around her office. "Your shop is beautiful. It would be a pity if it were to disappear."
She panicked for a second but maintained her composure. "I won't lose it, it's a private property."
"A property that's in debt. Something daddy won't help pay for and not even the bank." Amelia stresses.
"How much do you think I can ask for?" I casually asked Amelia.
"Hmm, let me think, with the amount of debt she has, who she is and willingness to pay, not much and they will not refuse either."
"My father will not do this, even if he does not help me financially." Patricia said confidently, even thought her eyes were wavering.
"Ah, but from what I know, because of your debt, this place already belongs to the bank and between your father, you and me, who do you think has more... influence?"
Patricia looked visibly tensed now. "Why do you want to know that?"
"I have my reasons. Rather you tell me if you want to risk losing everything you have for a friendship that is not worth it. After all, we both know her and you know that she is selfish. A real friend will support you in this situation." "Exactly, and it won't cost much to lend you that money. Did you ask her for help?" The look on her face already told us the answer. "Of course you asked her for help and she said no." Amelia can be annoying when she wants to. "Think about it, you have fifteen minutes to decide if you're going to give us answers or lose everything," I told her and crossed my legs. "It's enough time for you to see that we're not that bad, and we'll offer you a deal."
She looked at us in suspicion. "What's the deal?"
"Give me the information I want, everything you know about Elisa and I will pay off your debt to the bank. In fact, if you want, we can even partner so you can sell your brand. What do you say?" At what I said last, Amelia looked at me and I just nodded at her. "And what will you gain by partnering with me?"
"I am a business woman. The brand is not bad and as I see the sales are good. You just lack capital and contacts. I will not get involved in your affairs, and you will still manage the store according to your wishes. It will continue to be your brand, but the administration will be handled by you and one of my accountants."
"I graduated in that field and you want to put one of yours?"
"That's why I said I will include them, just think of it as protocol and lack of trust." I told her with a small smile.
"Not a bad idea," said Amelia. "Everything will be legal and in writing. Now yes, you don't want to be associated with Sofia, but you don't exactly have any better option."
"Tic Tac, this is a no-loss offer. You keep your store, it expands and you have sixty percent of the profit and I have forty percent. No one will offer you better."
"Your dad practically abandoned you. Elisa rejected you and the bank is forcing you to pay."
"How do I know you will obey all that?"
"Like I told you, I'm a business woman, plus my lawyer is here and you can look for yours," She went silent and seemed to think about it. "The bank will seize you in two days, so you don't have to worry too much. Except maybe asking yourself, Is Elisa worthy of your loyalty?"
"During the five years she dedicated herself to her luxurious life, she didn't care about you and now that you need her, she's nowhere to be found. You know she has money and even if she does't, she can always ask her father if she wanted to. If she didn't help you, it was because she didn't want to."
Patricia thought about it and there was a short silencd before she looked at us. "Okay. Write the contract and I'll give you all the information you want."
"But it should be important information, not nonsense. You can start by answering the question for me." She hesitated, but answered anyway.
"Yes, Elisa was pregnant." She comfirmed and Amelia and I looked at each other.
"How do I know you won't lie to me?" Now I'm the one who doubts.
"Fine her record and the gynecologist can confirm it."
"Is it from Angel?" I asked, the words almost blocking my throat and my heart went faster.
"I will answer anything else you want to know when the contract is made, I assure you it will help you."
"Well, that's what we're going to do. Tell me the name of the clinic and the gynecologist to confirm what you told me."
"Gynecological and fertility center. It is in the northern part of the country, and the doctor's name is Denice Vincent." Amelia wrote it and passed the data to Isaac for verification.
"Perfect. You can expect the contract by tomorrow and we will both review it. Don't you dare deceive me because you won't know what's coming for you."
"I know. I know your reputation in business, Sofia. You are cunning, clever, cold and ruthless."
"Oh, you flatter me. Then you know that if you lie to me, not even dust will remain in your shop."
"You said it yourself, Sofia, I'm her shadow, I know everything you want to know."
Amelia and I left her shop and drove straight to the clinic she told us.
"You know Isaac can find that online. We don't need to go."
"I want to go, and have her gynecologist see me. You know that she is capable of buying even the devil himself to get her way."
My phone rang and it's Angel. I inwardly sigh and just let it ring. "Won't you answer it?" Amelia asked and I shook my head. The call ended and rings again.
"Persistent person, what if he has an answer for your question?"
"Maybe, but I'm not here to listen and I don't want to," I stubborh said and turned off the cell phone and continued driving for about half an hour until we reached the clinic.
It's not a small clinic, but not quite big either. When we went inside, we asked for the gynecologist.
"Do you have an appointment, ma'am?" The secretary politely asked.
"A friend recommended this clinic to us," I replied, and it wasn't totally a lie. "I was trying to communicate, but it doesn't work so I don't know if they gave me the wrong number." "Okay, we can make an appointment, ma'am. May I know the reason for the consultation?"
"Uhm, does she have another field?" I asked in uncertainty.
She's a gynecologist, what else can she check?
"No, ma'am. I meant, Obstetric-gynecological control, fertility or...? You know..." She trailed off and saw our confused faces. "Abortion."
"Abortion?" I repeated in shock and Amelia and I looked at each other.
"That's not legal," Amelia blurted out harshly and the woman got scared. "I mean, won't those who do it get into trouble?"
"No, ma'am, there are legal procedures for that procedure."
"Yes, but that is because of r**e or danger that compromises the life of the mother." Amelia answered automatically.
"But if I don't do that, won't the doctor sew me?" She looked at me doubtfully and I gestured at Amelia. "My friend is worried about me and doesn't want me to get into legal trouble for wanting an abortion." "Yes," she agreed. "That's why I'm thorough, and I hope you understand the situation."
The secretary let out a smile. "Don't worry about that, the doctor can give you the information you need. Please give me a moment."
When she's gone, Amelia took me to a corner where no one was listening “What are you up to, Sofia?"
"Nothing, I just want to talk to that doctor."
"Talk? You just said you wanted an abortion." She hissed at me.
"And you have that attitude of a lawyer, so they won't give us information. I remind you that according to Elisa, I was the reason she lost the baby, I want to know if it was by accident or... forced." "Just a few hours ago, you doubted that she was pregnant."
"That was before knowing that the gynecologist who supposedly saw her is a "termination" specialist." "Ladies," the secretary called us, "The doctor said she will see you. May I know your name please?" "Vanessa Daniels," I answered and Amelia looked at me.
Of course I won't give my real name. Plus, I remembered that it was the name of one of her friends.
"You can come in." She ushered me in and Amelia followed me.
"No, you stay out here," I told her and she looked offended. "Don't look at me like that, the least I need is for you to go there with your attitude as a lawyer. I'm going in alone."
She didn't say anything and I went inside where a doctor who look like she's in her mid-fifties greeted me.
"Good afternoon."
"Good afternoon, Vanessa Daniels?" She asked doubtfully while looking at me.
"Yes, why? Is there something wrong?"
"Let's just say that I'm a little updated with business world."
Damn, I didn't think about that. Be smarter next time, Sofia.
"I'm sorry, it's just..." What are you going to say?
"You don't need to worry. My secretary told me you have a special reason. They don't talk about that topic much, especially if they are important people."
"Exactly, that's why I lied because I didn't want people to know. You know things are coming out of hand and the media is starting to make a fuss about it."
"Don't worry. That's what we're here for, to help each other. Tell me, how can I help you?"
"Well, my husband, do you know him?" I asked and she nodded. Why am I not surprised? "We are pregnant, but none of us want this baby right now. We are focused on other matters and a baby right now is not what we need." Denice nodded in understanding. "I understand, many women from the media and your world come for that reason. One slip, one contraceptive mistake and a baby is made."
"My friend recommended you to me, but I don't know if you still remembers her. Her name is Elisa Dalton."
"Oh, yes. I remember her. In fact, I haven't seen her for five years." She confirmed and I mentally noted that Elisa did see her.
"She traveled around, you know, to know the world. She was the one who told me to come here. She told me you were careful with her and helped her... problem." "Problem?"
"Yeah, I mean, you were her doctor, right? Or maybe I misunderstood. I'm sorry, I'm a bit nervous right now."
"Yes, Elisa was my patient. You know, university life can be a bit extreme and girls her age tend to be bold." "Right. Even I was shocked when she told me she was pregnant."
"Have you known each other since college?" She asked and I confirmed."Then you know her attitude can be a bit too much. That's what I clearly remember about her."
"Too much? She's a handful. You have to know how to handle her. She told me everything she experienced at that moment and mentioned that you are the expert... for any situation, whether to decide to keep the baby or terminate it."
"I always try and talk to my patients first about their decision. Abortion is delicate, and there are consequences and let's not forget that this is a life that you will destroy. Once it is done there is no going back. Have you thought it through? This is a baby, your child, the product of a stable relationship. How old do you think they are?"
"One month or two at most."
"Well, we can examine you and think about what you want to do. If you want to have the procedure, don't worry, it will be done in an operating room, sterilized, under anesthesia and the recovery is important. You won't be able to have s*x for a month, maybe two, depending on your progress, and to have a baby, you have to wait a year and it might be difficult."
I pretended to think it over. "This is something to think about. How could Elisa make such a decision? To choose between what you want and the judgement of society that is."
"It was a difficult decision, but Elisa was so determined when she came to me, and she didn't even think about it. Furthermore, to have an abortion, you have limitations in terms of the time of pregnancy."
That is the information I need!!
"That is, if I decide to do this, how many months should I be?"
"The sooner the better, but at four or five months, it is more dangerous. We are talking about a fetus that has already developed parts and it will complicate the mother's life."
I nodded with feigh interest. "I see. Well, the truth is, I don't remember much. Back in college you don't really keep track of time, but it was about five years ago when she decided to do this. To be honest, I don't even remember that she had done one until I asked "I understand. Elisa, as far as I remember, was on the limit, she was three and a half months old when we did it."
My blood automatically boiled, but I remained calm on the outside. You evil witch, you caused the abortion and you dare put the blame on me!
"One question and I apologize for being annoying, but when you do the procedure, do you leave any records or something? I am asking because the information might leak outside."
"I understand, Mrs. Leffman, but yes, of course the procedure is recorded. What was done, why was it done, and we ask for your consent when we write it. Don't worry about the press because we have a very strict security system, and our staff is careful because of our ethics."
"Doc, you don't know how much you've helped me, really. I came in here determined to have it aborted, but now I have my doubts because of what you told me about the consequences. Let me talk to my husband about it and I will visit you again."
"Of course, and if you want, you can visit with your husband. I will explain the whole procedure to the both of you."
I stood up and she did the same. "Thank you and doc, please pretend I was not here. That this conversation didn't happen. I didn't even mention it to Elisa, because she might panic that I mentioned her so let's keep it between the doctor and the patient. I'm hoping for your cooperation." I held out my hand and she took it.
"No problem, you were never here."
I said goodbye and left her office. I saw Amelia nervous in a corner, and straightened up when she saw me. I politely said goodbye to the secretary and the doctor, grabbed Amelia and left the clinic.
"Are you going to tell me or should I guess?" Amelia broke the silence between us once we're in the car.
"The doctor was actually nice and she explained everything. She even gave me a speech so I can decide if I really want to take that step."
Amelia groaned in frustration. "Sofia, we are not here to talk about the doctor's morality, what did you find out?"
"She remembered Elisa, I confirmed that she was pregnant and she had an abortion," Anger automatically crossed her face and I wasn't far behind because I'm livid! "That woman willingly had an abortion and she had the nerve to tell Angel that I'm the one who did it and the dates don't work for me."
"She's a bitch! That much is true and now we know, so you can tell that to Angel."
"No, I must have a solid proof first. With Angel, it's not about words, but actions, I swear I want to kill that sorry excuse of a woman."
"And how do we find that evidence?"
"You are the lawyer, that is your expertise. The doctor told me that they save everything, even the person's written consent. Everything's probably on their computer."
"I'll call Isaac and tell him to find that information, but Sofia, don't you think you have a lot of information that Angel should know about?*
"Amelia, you know him, he has been thinking that Elisa lost her child because of me for five years. What do you think he will think if I tell him this without evidence?"
"Okay, but you also didn't tell him that he slept with you that night, and not Elisa. You also did not mention to him that on the day of the alleged photos, he asked you to marry him, he said he loved you that's why you accepted that marriage. You also haven't told him that you are the owner of Let-tech. Sofia, you want him to trust you, but you are not making it easy for him."
"Is it my fault that he questions everything I say or do? Also, I don't trust telling him that I am the owner of Let-tech because I still don't know what he wants from me. Because I still doubt his sudden interest."
My phone rang and I was confused, didn't turn it off? I took it and saw Angel's name on the screen.
"Answer the poor guy already." Amelia suggested when we saw ten missed calls from him.
"I don't want to. I'm even more angry with him now. You know that Elisa was three months into her miscarriage, which means that the pregnancy did not happen during the night he allegedly took her virginity, but afterwards, which means that they slept together." Amelia gave me a flat look. "They were dating, Sofia. We know she is sexually active from what our colleagues told us. Do you think she won't tempt Angel when he was always a hottie? Also, let's agree that he's a man, and men are weak when they see an easy woman in front of them." She tried to reason out, but I'm too hurt and angry.
My phone rang again and I angrily answered his call. "My God, what do you want?!"
"Why are you yelling at me when you're the one who didn't answer? I have been calling you for some time, Sofia." He responded with an annoyed tone.
"Is the company on fire? Is anyone dying?"
"So if I am not answering your call, it's because I don't want to." I almost hissed at him like a jealous cat.
"What happened to you? I'm calling you because I want to invite you to dinner and you're treating me like that, why are you so upset?!"
"Because..." I prepared myself to give him a piece of myself but Amelia pinched me and told me to calm down so I took a deep breath. "Okay, Angel, where shall we meet?"
"If you have things to do and you're in a bad mood, it's better not to meet."
I pulled the phone away and nsulted him without him hearing me.
"Angel, I just had a hard day."
"Well, you don't have to make me pay for it."
"Look who's talking. Who is it that blames me whenever he gets angry?"
"Okay, this is ridiculous. Where are you? I'll come and fetch you. They told me you left the company."
"Yes, I had to do something. I'm going to my apartment, so let's just meet there."noveldrama
"No, I'm gonna look for you."
I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.
"Sofia, watch out!" Amelia screamed and I dropped the phone and tried to avoid the car. "You almost killed us!"
"I'm sorry," I apologized and tried to calm myself down. I remembered the call when I heard Angel yelling my name. "Hello?"
"Are you alright?! Is that a car? Were you driving? What happened?!"
"If you stop asking so many questions, I'll be able to answer. I'm fine, yes, that's a car I didn't see and nothing happened. See you at my apartment."
"But you almost had a car accident, Sofia." He said in a worried and upset voice.
"Almost, but I didn't. Let's talk later, Angel. Bye."
I hanged up, and yes, I'm aware that I treated him coldly, but it's not like he didn't deserve it either.
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