Loving Quinn Novel by North Rose

Chapter 27


In the span of an hour, my penthouse went from a quiet bachelor pad to a bustling hive of activity. Grace went straight to her room to unpack her suitcase, then do her homework. Annora looked undecided on where to take her bags, so I solved the problem for her by picking them up and carrying them to the third floor.

“If we are doing this, then you will stay in here with me where you belong. Not down on the second floor with Grace.”

Annie follows me into my room, then wanders around to look around in the light of day. This was something she didn’t really have the chance to do that last time she was in here. We were too wrapped up in each other to do anything else.

“Is that door for a balcony?” She asks.

I follow her gaze

and nod my head. “I can give you a

tour of the place later tonight.”

“Ok, let’s go order something for dinner. My refrigerator is empty of anything that would be edible for dinner. Then we can talk to Grace over dinner.”

We head downstairs, then we debate about what to have for dinner. It is the most domestic my life has ever been, and I love it. I want them with me just like this for the rest of our lives. However, I will take things at her pace like she has asked.

Chinese food for dinner. I ordered online and it will be here soon.”

Annie’s voice makes me look over at her from where I am standing at the refrigerator. She is sitting on a stool at the island counter in the kitchen. The same counter we had sex on the last time she was here. The pen in her hand was tapping idly on the piece of paper she is using to make a grocery list.

I walk over to her after I close the refrigerator door, then lean down to kiss her. The way she leans her body towards me just feels natural! We fit together this well as teenagers. I know there will be some bumps for us now as we get to know each other again, but this part still feels the same.

The two of us have always connected on a level that I have never had with anyone else before. My relationship with Aaron is like that of a brother or a twin, Almost symbiotic in ways, as he just gets who I am so well. That is a lifetime of friendship there.

Annora knows all my childhood traumas from that summer we spent together. Now this new stage of our lives will be to learn about all the interim years we spent apart. I look forward to getting to know her again. The years she spent in England, medical school, residency, and everything about her life since her family drove away at the end of September all those years ago.

“I am looking forward to getting to know you again, Annie. The all grown–up version of you.”

The clomping sound of Grace’s feet on the wooden stairs interrupts whatever Annora was going to say to my statement. Our daughter races into the kitchen a few moments later with a grin on her face when she sees us standing so close to each other.

“If you guys are together, can we move in here with daddy?”

That simple question from our daughter makes me smile. As much as I would love nothing more than to have the three of us under one roof, now simply isn’t a good time. From the way Annora stiffens, I can tell she is having similar thoughts.

Does us being together make you happy, Grace?” Annie turns to look at her as she asks.

Grace nods her head repeatedly, enthusiastically.

Well then, I am glad you are happy, but us living here isn’t a plan, Not right now, at least. We can stay with him on the weekends. The


three of us c use that time to get to know each other as a family. Maybe one day we can all live together.”

Grace pouts, but smiles a second later. “Can we use the pool anytime we want?”

You have an indoor pool?” Annorn asks in surprise.

“I am so going to want that tour after dinner.”

“What’s for dinner?” Gmce asks.

“I ordered Chinese,” Annie tells her with a grin.

Grace lets out a whoop of excitement, then races out of the room. I peek around the glass wall that separates the kitchen from the foyer; I see she is going upstairs. When she is no longer in sight, I turn back to Annora.

“How long do you think she knew we were working things out between us?”

“I am not sure she did until today. However, she has been dropping hints about wanting to be a family, one where her parents are together for real.”noveldrama

“How long has she been doing that?”

“A few months now.”

The shrill ring of my home phone interrupts our conversation. I move out into the foyer, where the phone rests on the hall table. When I answer the call, it is David telling me that our delivery has arrived. I call into the kitchen to tell Annora that I will be right back.

After we finished dinner, Grace insisted on going on the tour of the penthouse with us. The three of us wandered the first floor as Grace points out each new room to her mother. She made an excellent tour guide for Annie. By the time we reached the second floor, where the library was located, Grace was noticeably wilting.

I scoop her up in my arms, then toss her over my shoulder. She giggles as I walk to her room. When I dump her on the bed, she rolls oft then heads to her closet for her pajamas. This is our routine when she stays with me on the weekends. I leave the room so she can change, then I post up against the wall outside her door.

This is where I wait while she changes, then heads to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Once that is done, I sit with her and read The Hobbit to her for an hour. The world Tolkien created has always been my favorite, so I started sharing it with Grace. To my surprise. Annora started reading it to her a few years ago but never finished.

Tonight, after Grace is in bed, her eyes close almost instantly, so there will be no reading to her. When I close the door behind me as I- leave her room, Annora is waiting for me in the hall with a smile on her face. I give her a sheepish smile as I walk to her

“Grace told me you are reading her The Hobbit. She was so excited to read it with you. Is what I just watched your nightly routine while

she is here?”

It is. I love that magical hour with her while I read for her.”

“You are an amazing father,” she says.

I grab her hand, then lead her upstairs to our room. I leave her to change into her pajamas while I head back downstairs for two glasses and a bottle of white wine. When I come back, she is sitting on the bed in a white t–shirt with Mickey Mouse on the front and a pair of loose lounge pants.

She smiles at me as I grab a shirt, my pajama pants, then head into the bathroom to brush my teeth and change. When I walk back into

the room, she already has the Wine open and two glasses ready for us. I could get used to nights like this with her.

e on the bed, with a glass of wine in one hand while her other is running up and down the A few minutes later, she is curled up against me on arm I have wrapped around her. This is the most relaxed I have ever been since coming home from my last deployment.

“Watching you with our daughter tonight makes me feel

el mixed emotions.”


“You are so good with her, for her. I am so sorry that I didn’t try harder to find you.”

Annora looks back at me, tilting her head up so she can meet my gaze. Tears spill from her eyes. 1 cup her face in my hands, then kiss her nose before I pull back. With gentle strokes, I wipe the tears away with my thumbs.

“I have moved past that. That is time we will never get back and there isn’t anything either of us can do about it. I love her so very much. 1 love you for giving me a daughter. Let’s go forward from here on out and just be grateful that we have this time now,”

The smile she gives me lights my entire world up. Sitting my wine aside, I motion for her to stand up. When she does, I grab her hand, then lead her to the balcony door. This one is much bigger than the one on the first floor. It takes up a third of this level. Out here is my telescope that I used to stargaze, but I plan on moving downstairs for Grace to use.

“You have a jacuzzi? Of course, you do.”

I stop next to it, then turn to face her as I turn the dial to start the heating process. “Strip.”

Surprise crosses Annora’s face before she tilts her head to the side. Then, to my utter shock, she does just that. With a swift motion, she pulls her shirt up and over her head. Her perfect breasts are bare for my eyes to roam over. Then she shimmies out of her lounge pants to reveal a pair of pale purple lace panties.

With the same swift movements as hers, I remove my shirt, then toss it to the ground. My pajama pants join the shirt a moment later.

Now we each have one article of clothing left to remove.

Her eyes darken with lust as they roam my torso. “I never thought I would find tattoos so attractive, but I do now.”

“Most of them have a special meaning to me. I will tell you about them all. Now come here. I want you naked by the time you get here.”

With swift movements, Annora reaches to the waistline of her panties, then with a wicked grin that makes my cock throb, she slowly slides them down until they are over her hip and fall freely to the ground. Then she saunters over to me, utterly naked in all her glory.

nipples on breasts that are more than my hand can hold, creamy white skin, narrow waist, and her perfectly round ass that just can’t wait to get my hands on. My boxers hit the ground before she reaches me. My erection jutting up against my belly in anticipation.

She tilts her face up to meet my lips as I lean down to kiss her. It feels like an electrical current sparks between us at the contact. Her hands wrap around my neck as I press her close to me. My hands grip her ass as she opens her mouth for my tongue. When I break the kiss, she looks just as dazed as I feel.

1 test the water, then lift her up in my arms before I climb into the jacuzzi. With a smooth reation, I sit down on the bench inside, then settle her on my lap. Annora surprises me further by straddling me, then crushing her lips back to mine.

The way she is grinding her body over my erection makes me grip her ass hard to keep her from wiggling more. Tearing my mouth from hers. I look into her eyes. Desire and dark promises fill those hazel depths.

“You are driving me crazy, Annie. I want you so bad.”

Her hand slips between our bodies to stroke my raging erection. The stroke of her hand, the heat of the water, and the way she is biting her lower lip make me moan. This encourages her to keep stroking me,

ruck if you “Fuck,

keep doing that, l’am going to explode.”

“We can’t have that happen yet,” she says as she wiggles off my lap. “I want to try something I have never done before. Can you sit on the

edge of the jacuzzi for me?”

My mind goes haywire at what she just said. The way she is licking her lips makes my cock throb hard in anticipation. So, to please her, I stand up off the bench then sit on the edge of the jacuzzi like she has asked.

A blush stains her cheeks as her eyes look down at my erection. She kneels on the bench between my thighs and looks up at me. I could drown in her hazel eyes. The dark shine of lust makes me want to just bend her over and have my way with her right now. I grip the edge of the jacuzzi when she leans down and flicks her tongue over the head of my dick. When her hand wraps around me and she takes me slowly into her mouth, I have to breathe hard and fast to not explode in her mouth.

For someone who has never done this before, she is very good at what she is doing to me. When her free hand strokes my balls, I let out a loud groan of pleasure. “Oh, Annie, I am not sure I will last long if you keep that up.”

Her laugher sends vibrations through my body as she continues her delicious assault. My shy Annie has turned into a little vixen and I fucking love it. Knowing this is the first time she has done this lets me know just how innocent she still is.

Oh, how I will love teaching her new things. Experiencing all the things she wants to try will be my pleasure and hers. With one last moan, I give her what she wants. I let go of the orgasm 1 have been holding back. When Annie sits up, she licks her lips, then gives me the

most seductive smile I have ever seen.

“My Jum.”

What Annie does next takes my breath away. She stands up, turns around, then bends over to present that amazing ass of hers to my view. That is a very clear invitation, so I kneel behind her, then lick her wet core. The way she moans makes me want to do this forever. Her body is shaking with pleasure as she presses her ass against my face. Soon, a shudder wracks her body as an orgasm rushes through her. I lap her juices up with my tongue, then lean up to just look down at her.

“I want you inside



“I thought you said no intercourse, Annie.”

To tease her, I grip her hip in one hand, then rub my newly harden erection against her wet center. The moan she gives me and the way she pushes back against me lets me know she has changed her mind. However, I go no further because I need to hear the words.

“Please, Quinn, I need you now. I want this more than anything.” Annora moans my name.

give her what she wants without hesitating further.

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