My Mate and Brother's Betrayal

Chapter 54

54 Get Ready



I'm sound asleep when I can feel a forced link. "Dad, I need you to get to your office now," Waller says in a panic. "What the f**k have you done," I growl, as I throw the blankets off me. "Barrett caught us teaching Jayden a f**king lesson for

embarrassing me in training" he says. My steps falter as his words sink in. "F**k, you id**t. Do you know what you've done? How the f**k could you be so stupid?" He knows better than to answer me right now. "I'm on my way. You keep your f**king mouth shut until I get there."I cut the link and slip a shirt over my head. That pr*ck is going to insist Waller be punished. How the f**k am I supposed to get him out of this? He saw it with his own eyes. I open my link to Waller again. "Where the f**k is Jayden now?"

"Barrett insisted on taking him to the pack hospital. He told me, Bruno, and Kyle to head to your office. What are we going to do dad?" Goddess, it's a good thing he isn't in front of me right now because I might kill him myself for the mess he's made. "I'll think of something. Just make sure you and your friends keep your mouths shut," say, cutting the link again.

I open the link with my head warrior. I can hear he is still on patrol by the way he is breathing. "Go to the hospital now. I might need you to take care of something for me. For now, you simply have to stay with Jayden and keep your ears open. Report if he says anything that may cause a problem." "Yes, Alpha," he says.

Beckham POV

As soon as we reach the apartment lobby, I lift Rosalyn into my arms and take the steps two at a time. I can't wait to see our pup. When I push open the door, Lily rushes over to me and Rosalyn, who is now standing next to me. I smile when Rosalyn pulls her into a hug before I can get my hands on her. "Mommy, I missed you" she says. "I missed you too, Lily bear. After you give daddy a big hug, I want to introduce you to mine and Uncle Emmett's brother and sister" she says.


I watch as Emmett's eyes meet Rosalyn's. I can see confusion and anger flash in his eyes, he stays quiet. I'm sure he has a million questions. Lily is almost vibrating with excitement as she tries to look around me. "Hey, mommy said I get a hug first." Lily launches herself at me and I laugh. I scoop her up in my arms and pepper kisses all over her face.

I swear she has gotten bigger in just the few days we have been gone. She giggles and warmth spreads through my chest. I've missed my pup. I hate the thought of leaving her again, but I have no choice. Heading to the pack can't be put off any longer.

20 Point

53 Get Ready


Even though Mindy can't tell me everything, I trust her when she says I have to return to the

pack. I expected her to be with us, but she hasn't completely recovered from dealing with Bryce. I could feel the fear rolling off Reese as he kept her close to him. She reassured us all that she just needed to rest. Bryce is no longer a threat, so keeping him in the cells a little

longer isn't going to hurt anything.

When she is completely recovered, Mindy and Reese will bring Robert's brother to the Blue

Crescent. When I asked her about the head of the council and how she became involved with

him and Orick, she was very tight-lipped. I smile remembering exactly what she said. "Unlike the goddess, I don't like sounding like a fortune cookie, so don't ask me questions I can't


I was worried about her being mated to Reese, but he has shown he isn't the same man that

hurt Rosalyn. The same man that could so easily betray his mate. I'm glad she trusted the goddess and chose to accept Reese. I couldn't imagine her never having her fated mate. Besides, if he hurts her, she will probably turn him into a toad. "Lily, this is Colton and Sam. Guys, this is mine and Beck's daughter Lily. That big guy and

pretty lady over there are your brother Emmett and your sister-in-law, Stacey". Rosalyn's voice brings me out of my thoughts. I set Lily on her feet and she walks right up to Colton. "We are going to be best friends" she says to him, like he has no choice. I fight the urge to laugh as

Colton looks between Rosalyn and Samantha for guidance. I can see they are both fighting the urge to laugh at my daughter's antics.

When Colton looks back at Lily, he shrugs. "OK" he says. She takes his hand in hers and turns

to Samantha. "Hi Auntie Sam. Are you going to stay with us from now on," Lily asks. Miranda

bends down so she is eye to eye with Lily. "Sam and Colton are going to live with Nanna and Papa Charlie. You'll see each other all the time, but tonight you're going to have a sleep-over at our house with Colton and Sam because daddy and mommy have to take another trip," Miranda says.

I can't help the smile that spreads across my face when Lily squeals. I help Rosalyn pack the

clothes that Stacey brought for Lily to the apartment. She doesn't even seem to be bothered I

have to leave again, as she shows Colton every toy she has in the apartment. Rosalyn leans toward me to whisper in my ear. "Maybe they will end up being mates" she says with a teasing


growl low in warning, but there is no true anger. "She isn't allowed to have a mate till she's thirty." Rosalyn rolls her eyes and I press a quick kiss on her lips. I watch Lily talk Colton's ear off, and I'm glad that she'll have a pup to grow up with. Hopefully, dealing with my brother will only take a few days, and we can spend time with our new family. I won't bring any of them


53 Get Readynoveldrama

into the pack until I know it's safe.

20 Poind 

Once we say our goodbyes to Miranda, Charlie, Samantha, and the pups, Emmett wants to know everything that happened while we were in the Black Rose. Rosalyn had given him the short version about Samantha and Colton because he didn't want them to be uncomfortable. Just like his mother and sister, he easily accepted his new siblings. Colton was thrilled that he is no longer the only boy in their family. We all chuckled when he hugged Emmett like he was going to disappear.

We all sat at the kitchen table as Rosalyn retold the story with all the disgusting details we learned from Sam about what Cain and Robert had done to Susan. Stacey sat in Emmett's lap

to keep him calm as he was barely holding on to control. "Goddess, I wish I was there to see

that ba**ard take his last breath. What an evil pr*ck. I'm glad she wanted to get a look at you, Rose, or they might still be living in that sh*thole with no one to care for them," Emmett says.

We are all silent for a moment, absorbing everything that's happened over the last few days. Gideon nudges me and I finally break the silence. "We will be leaving first thing in the morning for the Blue Crescent pack without Mindy." Stacey practically jumps out of Emmet's lap and begins to pace. "You can't be serious, Beck, Stacey says.

"I'm very, serious." "Rose, you need to talk some sense into him. He is going to get himself killed returning to that pack without magical back-up. He is your mate. He'll listen to you," she says. "I can't, Stacey. I agree we have to do this. I trust the goddess," Rosalyn says. Stacey looks back at me and I hate the fear I see in her eyes.

"I understand you feel this overwhelming need to return to the Blue Crescent, but you cannot just walk up to the gate and insist on speaking with the Alpha. You have no idea how your brother is going to act when you return. Mason was his father too. He could throw you in the cells or, worse, have you killed on sight for killing that despicable man. You have Lily to think

about Beck," Stacey says.

"I am thinking about Lily. She should be able to grow up in the pack just like we did. She should be around other pups. I was always meant to become Alpha and care for my pack. I made a choice to protect myself and my pup, but it's time to make a different choice now." "I know you're worried, Stacey, but Mindy insists that I have to return now. She still hasn't recovered after stripping that ba**ard's wolf, but she is confident that the goddess has others in place to help me. I have faith in myself and the goddess." "Fine, if you insist on returning, then I'm going too," she says. Emmett growls, pulling her back onto his lap.

"Why are you growling? Beck says that we will be safe. I refuse to let him face the past and that pack by himself" she says. "What the hell am I, chopped liver," Rosalyn says. I chuckle 3/4 

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and press a kiss on Rosalyn's head. "You are never chopped liver to me, my love." "Fine, I guess the four of us will be walking up to the gate without any protection and demanding to see the Alpha," she says.

"Now I never said we wouldn't have protection. "I stand from the table and grab my bag. I

retrieve the four vials that Mindy gave me before we left the Blood Rose pack. I set the vials containing the shimmery green liquid in front of each of us. "A gift from Mindy. It won't make us invincible, but it will offer us protection and strength."

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