The Proposal

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" Hera snapped her eyes open the next morning to see Mariam standing there by the side of the bed as she stared at her with a face full of smiles. She forced herself up with a smile to hug her. Feeling like she was forgetting something, she turned tonoveldrama

look at bed in hopes of finding him asleep but he wasn't there.

There wasn't a sign of him. Mariam wouldn't have walked into the room if he was there so where could he have gone without telling her? He always informed her before going anywhere so she was a little surprised that he wasn't here to wish her a happy birthday. He had promised that he would spend the day with her. Did he lie to her?

"Ma'am, did Bryce leave for work already?" She asked innocently. "He promised that he'd be at home today."

"I'm so sorry Hera but Bryce got an urgent call from work so he had to leave quickly." Mariam informed her. "He wanted to tell you but you were sound asleep and he didn't want to wake you up. He felt really bad and that's why he asked me to wish you on his behalf instead."

"Oh." She cooed. She felt a little disappointed but she knew that it must've been important for him to leave early. She couldn't fault him for that.

Just then, her phone rang and she picked it up and placed it to her ears when she saw the Caller ID. It was sister Martha probably calling to wish her a happy birthday like she always does every year.

"Hera my child. A very happy birthday to you." Martha wished her happily. "How are you holding up my dear? And how is the pregnancy coming along?"

She instinctively placed her hands on her already protruding stomach. A smile flickering o her lips. "I'm fine sister Martha and so is the baby. We're both doing okay."

"Christina asked me to wish you a happy birthday today. She could've called herself but she left for her exams early this morning. I take it that y'all must have spoken prior to that engagement."

"Yes we have." She answered. "I miss you all so much."

"We do too. Don't think about us too much and enjoy your day. I love you so much my child, don't ever forget that." Martha told her and a stray tear slid down her cheeks. Lately she had been feeling down because she thought that Martha was upset with her so it felt nice to hear her say those words to her.

"I love you too." She answered. They spoke at length before deciding to end the phone call. All through the day, Hera felt down. Bryce hasn't called her and he wasn't returning any of her calls either. She just wanted to hear from him but couldn't get through to him. It felt like he was ignoring her on purpose.

Mariam had consoled her that he might be busy with work but she doubted it. He always made time for her even when he was swarmed with work. Always. As the day progressed to the evenings, she became more worried and alarmed. Max dropped by later in the evening all dressed up.

"If it isn't the birthday girl." Max greeted enthusiastically and hugged her affectionately.

"Good evening Max." She answered before pulling away. "I'm trying to reach Bryce but i can't seem to get a hold of him. He's not taking my calls and i don't know what to do. He's not the type to ignore my messages or calls." She complained bitterly.

"As a matter of fact, I'm here to take you to him. Bryce sent me to give this to you on his behalf." He ushered in two women who came in with different boxes that she couldn't comprehend. "They're here to get you ready for tonight."

She eyed him skeptically. When the both of them teams up to do something, it usually doesn't end well. It's always chaotic. "What's happening tonight? Bryce never mentioned anything of this sort to me."

"It's a surprise so why don't you get ready so that we can go meet him? I'll be waiting out here for you as your escort ma'am." He smiled at her and gestured to the women that he had come with. "Take care of her or he'll have my head." Mariam led them all to her side of the bedroom and the women set out to work almost immediately. Hera was clueless yet curious as to why Bryce decided to do this? He had time to do this but couldn't wish her a happy birthday? Suspicious. When she was done getting ready, she made her way downstairs to see Max and Mariam waiting for her.

"You look stunning child." Mariam complimented her outfit. It was a Bouffant Pouf ankle length dress and comfortable platform heels. Her hair was styled up into a wavy messy updo with tendrils framing her fame.

She was putting on a light makeup with simple jewelry. Nothing too extravagant but still, she looked dropped dead gorgeous in her outfit for the night. Her dress complimenting her flawless look.

"Bryce would definitely be needing another baby after he sees you in this." Max teased causing Hera to blush heatedly. She was still upset with him but Max's statement was very funny.

"Thank you." She whispered gratefully.

"Shall we go?" Max offered her his arms and she took it. A limo was already outside waiting to pick them up. When they arrived at the destination, Hera was told to put on a blindfold for the said surprise and after minutes of arguing, she finally did. She was led by Max and Mariam. Even though she couldn't tell exactly where they were, she trusted them to lead her in.

"Wait here Miss, Bryce is coming to get you." Max whispered to her hearing and lets go of her hands. She stood still and they all left her.

"Guys. This isn't funny. What's going on?" She called out to them but they didn't respond.

A while after, a slow music came on, almost startling her. She tried to make out what's happening but she couldn't. In that exact moment, Someone touched her hands and after holding on to it for a while, she recognized who it was. It was Bryce. Her nervousness slowly turns into anger. "Bryce, I've been trying to reach out to you all day but you've been ignoring me. You promised to stay at home with me but when i woke up, you were gone and to top it off, you forgot my birthday."

"Did you think that I would ever forget?" He countered. "You have no idea how much I've been anticipating today. By the way, you look absolutely stunning tonight sweetheart." He whispered the last part in her ears and she felt the blush slowly creeping in. "Thank you."

Slowly but carefully, He pulled off

the blindfold from her eyes and she is surprised to see trails of rose petals scattered across the ground where she stood. The part of the hall that she could see was beautifully decorated with flowers, ribbons and balloons. She felt like she was standing in the center of a huge fairytale event. Was this all for her?

This he plan all this?

"What's going on. Bryce what's all this?" Her eyes took in every inch and corner of the grand hall. She could see the shadowy figure of someone playing on the piano but she couldn't exactly tell who it was. Apart from the bright light shining on the center of the hall where she stood, the rest of the room was dimly lit. "First of all," He started, grabbing her attention. "Happy birthday Hera. Welcome to your best year yet." He wished her and her lips split up into a wholesome smile.

"How did you plan all this? Was this the reason why you couldn't take my calls today? Now i feel bad. I thought that you were ignoring me on purpose."

"I would never ignore you and honesy, ignoring your calls was the most painful part of my day but i wanted you to have the best birthday that you have always wanted and that's why i did it. Will you forgive me?" He brought her hands to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "Of course i forgive you. And thank you Bryce. This is the best surprise birthday ever!" She whispered and gave him a peck on the cheeks, followed by a big hug.

"Well, i have one more surprise." He

announced and she pulled away. What other surprise could be bigger than this one? Before she even got the chance to ask that question, Bryce went down on one knee and reached into his pocket. Hera felt her heart beating ten times the normal rate. She suddenly felt the tears building up. He most definitely wasn't about to do what she thought

that he would do, was he?

All her questions flew out the window when he pulled out a little box from his pockets and opened it to reveal a ring. Her eyes watered as she found it hard to take everything in. "Bryce." She whispered, her words stuck up in her throat.

"Hera Whitson." He started, reaching

out to hold her hands. "Our love story might not be the best in the world but it's my absolute favorite, You're not only my best friend but the perfect woman for me. Life with you makes perfect sense and i want it to continue forever." The more he spoke, the more she couldn't help the tears that fell freely from her eyes but he didn't stop there.

"From the moment i met you, i knew that my adventure had just begun. In your eyes, i have found my home. In your heart, i have found love and in your arms, I have found peace and my family. I am not perfect but you make me better. Everyday, i fall in love with you for a million tiny reasons and i want to spend a lifetime discovering more. Will you marry me."

She shook her head vehemently. Words failed her at this very moment. "Yes Bryce. I will marry you." She said at last.

He slid the ring on her finger and rises up to full height to kiss her full on the lips. She melted into the kiss, letting him take charge and control as she willingly gave herself to him. He held her by the waist to keep her close to him. The hall is suddenly lit up follwed by hand claps and the voices of people cheering them on.

Hera spotted Sister Martha in the crowd as well as Max and Mariam. She had no idea that Bryce had invited her. Now, she felt emotional by his kind gesture. She didn't know the faces of the other people present but she was guessing that they close friends of Bryce as well.

He kissed her again. "Thank you Hera. Thank you. I love you so much Cara." He confessed happily, feeling ecstatic.

Hearing him say those words openly to her filled her up with so much warmth. For the first time in a long time, she felt very happy and fulfilled and it's all thanks to this man in front of her. This man that is hers to keep, forever. "Thank you so much Bryce

and I love you so much too, Bryce." She whispered back as the music faded into the background.

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