The Blood King's Bride

Chapter Eighty Six

The thunderous sounds of marching enemies caused Elena and Calhoun to leap from

where they sat, straight to the war field. The blood warriors were already alert, poised for attack for the incoming guests.

Suddenly, the visitors stopped. A cloud of dust surrounded them, making it impossible

for Elena's side to view who they were. Both teams stood there, waiting for who would take the first action.

Elena and Calhoun stood at the forefront of their men, acting as their leaders. With Aaron

by her side, Elion stood somewhere amid the heavily built soldiers, the Balaksa ready for action just at the snap of her fingers.

They had not adequately prepared for the next war, but they all stood boldly, ready to

face the next obstacle before them.

Slowly, the cloud of dust surrounding their guests began to recede, and finally, the giant flag that represented them could be boldly seen.

It was impossible, Elena thought, her mind in shock. She recognized the flag. She was

very well acquainted with it, so used to it that she couldn't believe it was standing right in front

of her. She never even imagined it.

"Wazir?" Elena whispered, then slowly started to walk forward. Calhoun stopped her

before she could go any further, holding her arm firmly while his face bore an expression of utter confusion and weariness.

"Elena? What's wrong?" he asked.

With her eyes already tearing up, she answered, "Family. They are my family Calhoun."

She tore her arm out of Calhoun's grip, and he made no attempt to stop her again, watching instead as she ran into the Warfield.

Wazir and two other people flanking by his side ran to meet Elena halfway from the other

end. They were atop their horses, gripping them tightly to make it go faster. When he was finally close enough to Elena, Wazir jumped down from his horse and ran the rest of the way to meet her.

Elena flung herself into her uncle's embrace, tears of joy and relief pouring down her

face. Wazir also bore the same expression, hugging her tightly while scrutinizing her intently to see if he was harmed.

"Oh, Elena," he said, gently rubbing his hands down her hair. He drew her in again,

taking in the scent. He had missed her. If not that he was always seeing her in his visions, he would have worn himself out worrying after her. It had been a long time for them; it felt like years, even though it was several months.

"How are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? What have you been doing?" he dropped

her on her feet, making her face him while two of his hands stayed atop her shoulders. He studied the attire she had currently put on and frowned. Several thin lines marred his forehead. "There's blood on your clothes. Is it yours? Are you hurt anywhere?"

Beaming brightly, she held unto his arms. "I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine. You've got

absolutely nothing to worry about me. Let's talk about you instead." she paused, still trying to ingrain his picture in her head.

His features had changed a bit. He now sported a wild bushy beard which made him look far older. His skin had considerably darkened, and his muscled bulged widely, showing its strength in the warrior's attire.

"How are you? How are grandfather and grandmother? The kingdom of Neba?" would have continued had she not been interrupted by one of the riders accompanying Wazir.

"One would guess that it isn't ideal to have all this discussion on the war field, right?" Svetlana said, smiling at Elena.

"Svetlana!" Elena called out in awe.

"Nice to see you, Elena. It had been a long time. I'm glad to see that you are doing just fine."

"I'm glad to see you too," Elena said. "I'm so happy to see you guys." she looked behind them and saw Daruki making his way towards them.

"Daruki!" she beamed. "Oh, this is wonderful. You all are here!" Although he was the

one who had kidnapped her, Elena never took it to heart. It wouldn't also have mattered, as she

had spent the last several months developing herself. She was stronger, more powerful

"It's nice to see you again Elena." Daruki greeted. Smiling, Elena pointed to the blood warriors who still stood alert behind her.

"They are with me." she said bashfully. "I have a lot of explanations to do. The same also

goes for you." she said, looking behind them at the large number of soldiers that had gathered

under the emblem of the Kingdom of Neba.

"What are you all doing in this side of the war?"

"That my dear," Wazir said, lifting his hand to gently touch the side of her hair, "Is also a

long story." he looked back at the heavy-footed soldiers that stood behind Elena.

"You have made a name for yourself. Aren't you going to introduce me to your new friends?"

Blushing, Elena smiled shyly. "You all should follow me. Let me introduce you to them." As Elena began walking back to the blood soldiers, her uncle and his partners working right behind him, her heartbeat fast in her chest. Just how was she to tell her uncle that not only did she work alongside the feared blood kingdom, but that she also married their king? She could only imagine his reaction, and she prayed he wouldn't faint from a heart attack. Wazir could be dramatic like that.

Calhoun was looking at her curiously as she walked towards him while staring at the people behind her wearily. Once she reached where he stood, Elena looked up at him with love, and a little bit of embarrassment, then she turned her back to him.

"Wazir, this is Calhoun," she said, pointing to her husband. Calhoun slowly dragged

Elena towards him, holding her tightly and causing her blush to deepen. Wazir noticed the action and frowned.

"Is there something going on between you two?" he asked straightforwardly. Blushing even harder, Elena nodded.

"Yes. We got married a few months ago. He is my husband."

Eyes widening immediately, Wazir whipped his head so fast to study Calhoun. He felt he

had seen him somewhere, but he couldn't remember vividly as he was still trying to overcome

the shock that came with finding out that his niece was married.

"Husband? Married? What?" he looked between both of them, then finally settled on Calhoun.

"Just who the hell are you?" As Elena was about to reply, Calhoun squeezed her tightly, letting her know that he would love to do the introduction by himself.

"I am Calhoun. Husband of my queen Elena, and the current king of the Blood kingdom. It's nice to meet you."

"B-Blood kingdom?" Wazir sputtered, fear now coming into his eyes. Even Svetlana and

Darukï were no longer at ease, their body slowly preparing to defend against any foul play. "We should take this inside." Elena said, laughing worriedly especially seeing as her uncle was deadly pale and could faint at any time.

They arrived in the safety of their camp tent. More seats had been brought in for Wazir

and his partners, and though Svetlana and Daruki preferred standing, Wazir had collapsed on one

of the seats from the sheer wearying force of the news he had just heard.

"Married? You got married before me? And to the blood king of all people?" Wazir said.

Calhoun didn't like the way that sounded from Elena's uncle, and he was about to

reprimand him, but Elena quickly cut in.

"Calhoun isn't that bad." she said shyly, though one could hear the underlying pride in her voice.

Wazir just couldn't believe his ears. This girl got married to the blood king, the most

feared amongst all the kingdoms, a man known far and wide for his brutality, and she tells him that he is not that bad?

"You're not being forced?" Wazir asked, causing Calhoun to look at him like he was a dead man.

"Calm down," Elena whispered to Calhoun, and Wazir watched, amazed, how his niece calmly took care of the most feared being.

"Wazir, Calhoun is not as bad as you think. As time goes on and you get to know him, you would come to understand."

"So all the soldiers standing out there are from the blood kingdom?" he asked even though he knew the answer. Elena nodded.

The rumours were correct, Wazir thought, of the warriors of the blood kingdom being likened to that of boulders. Compared to his soldiers, who looked like puny foot guards when next to them. He looked back at his niece, still in awe that she married the blood king. She was the blood king's bride, making her the new queen of the blood kingdom. The more he turned and flipped over this fact in his head, the more the advantages became more explicit and more transparent.

He smiled. He was related to someone in the blood kingdom, and their queen no more negligible.

"Well then, my nephew, welcome to the family," Wazir said brightly. They were all

perplexed at his abrupt change of behavior, but Elena, who already knew what kind of man her uncle was, was none the surprised.

"Wazir, I have a lot to tell you, but I feel like it's impossible to do so at the moment as we are currently at war." Elena said, getting right down to business.

"What are you doing here? How did you know that we would be here?" She asked. Wazir's face turned serious as he remembered why he had come there in the first place. "Elena, I'm a seer." he deadpanned. Elena simply blinked while Calhoun's eyes widened. "What?" Elena asked, not able to grasp what he was saying.

"I am a seer Elena. I can see visions of the future." Wazir slowly explained. As she

gained understanding, her eyes widened.

"You can see visions? Of the future?" she asked. Wazir simply nodded.

"So far, you have been the centre of that vision. We are at war. The four kingdoms are at

war with the white garbed fighters who call themselves the Allikans. The kingdoms of Pres and Tush has fallen under their attack, and only the kingdom of Neba remains. We fought them with

everything we had and was surprised when one day, the once left simply disappeared." Trying not to focus on Pres falling under their siege, Elena asked. "How were you guys

able to fight them? I don't know if they are like the recently defeated ones, but it wasn't an easy feat to accomplish."

Wazir gulped. "You guys have already, fought a war?"

Elena nodded. "Yes. And we believe there would be another batch coming, so we were

simply waiting for them as we began planning out our next attack."

"Wow." Wazir said, shocked. "I had a vision that I had to go to you almost immediatelynoveldrama

after the Allikans left. You were on this field and I could tell that it was the wasteland as the sun

in my vision was crimson. Father also helped me to prepare for my journey, and your grandparents asked me to send you their blessings."

Elena smiled warmly but waited for him to continue.

"Now we also have an ace up our hands. I am not sure if the Allikans know about it, but Darukï here," Wazir said, pointing at his partner. "Was once part of the Allikans. How he got to

be standing right here with us instead of with them is a story we would tell another day." he beamed, looking at Elena's surprised face.

"Do you also know, that he was once their general?"


Surrounded by forest trees was a deep cave. Inside stood the supreme being of the Allikans as he towered over the body of Firoza, who he had spread against the stone slab. "Firoza," his strange voice called out. He dragged a phantom hand over the outline of her face. "You are by far one of my most powerful creations. Powerful enough to rival even a supreme being." His presence surrounded her, bringing a chilly sense of the cold with it. "Arise, oh queen of darkness, arise with the power I have given you." Suddenly, the body of Firoza was engulfed in red, black and golden flames. It warmed her body, blessing her with their powers, and though it hurt her excruciatingly, she endured it, thinking of the power she would have in the end. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the burning subsided. Firoza opened her eyes and smiled.

"My daughter." The Supreme Being called out, standing so closely over her. She could see its face. She could finally see the face of her creator.

"Yes father." she replied, sitting up from the slab. She could feel it. She could feel the powers burning in her core, through her veins. She looked up at her creator again. "Thank you, father, for blessing me with this gift." She quickly swiped at its throat, cutting it with the bit of knife she had always kept with her.

She was stronger now, strong enough to defeat even a powerful being. She watched as

the being choked on its blood, its eyes expressing the horrid shock it felt that its death had come

and by the hand of one he had least expected.

"But I would not let you use me for your gain any further." She walked up to it and

smeared its blood on her hand, then raising her fingers to her lips, she licked the blood of it, one finger at a time.

She smiled, feeling the strange power that coursed through her.

She was invincible.

"It is time for a new world era, and one ruled by my beautiful hand." she declared,

smiling evilly.

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