The Blood King's Bride

Chapter Fifty Six

Elena and Elion made their way out of their shared room. Elion knocked at Forest's door,

and when he didn't answer for some time, they surmised that he was sleeping. Forest slept like the dead whenever he was tired. They decided to find something to eat and perhaps remain some for Forest. As they made their way downstairs, they passed some people who came from the upper floor, and we're heading downstairs, and some who came from downstairs, and we're heading upstairs. The environment was gay. Everyone was happy. Especially those who were taken out of their homeland don't look like they would trade anything to go back. They reached the reception hall, and Elena asked the female who sat there where they could find some food. Elion's eyes were taking in their surroundings. Either she was looking for something suspicious or admiring its beauty. Elena thought it was both. Since they had come here, they had both taken their bath and rested. Well, Elena did. She was so stressed out she could barely open her eyes for another second. When she woke up, she saw Elion wide awake. It was apparent that she didn't sleep. Once she noticed that Elena was awake, she started making plans to leave.

Elena had looked at her funny. She didn't understand why she was so worked up. The warrior had already promised to take them back should they wish it. Elena would love to go back, but her adventurous spirit would not let her rest till she had scoured through every beautiful area of the blood kingdom. She told Elion precisely that. The woman frowned, extreme disappointment radiating from her. Not wanting then to argue or talk anymore about the topic, Elena said to her that she was hungry. She asked Elion to follow her if she was too so that they both could find something to eat. Surprisingly, she agreed. They found themselves in a huge room, the scent of different kinds of food permeating the environment. As a cook herself, Elena was surprised at the mouth-watering dishes shared in the room. She didn't even know when she headed to the serving table, and upon seeing the different dishes laid out there, Elena had to suck in a gasp. It was heavenly. She could recognize some of the food, as she had cooked some herself, while she didn't know the rest. One of the waiters told her that all the dishes they served were from the four kingdoms, and they were made possible thanks to the Blood king. Elena had to admit, the more she saw all these, the more she liked the blood king. She took a bit out of every dish and walked to the seat Elion had saved for her, a grin playing on her face. Once she sat down, she noticed that Elion was frowning at her and that she hadn't taken any food for herself.

"Aren't you going to eat?" She asked, wondering what was making her angry.

"Elena, aren't you scared one bit? How are you comfortable in the land of our kidnappers?"

"What are you trying to say?" Elena asked, taking a bite from her food. She moaned at the deliciousness and then took another spoonful, savouring it slowly.

"Don't you want to go back to your family? How can you be having fun in the blood kingdom? Haven't you heard tales of its people? Their king?"

"Elion," Elena called, putting her spoon down. "We have been here for barely a day.

Your brother is tired and resting, trying to gain back his strength. Since we have come here no one had given us reason to want to go back. Yes, I have heard tales of the Blood Kingdom, but since we have arrived, we sure haven't seen rivers of blood rather than water have we?" Elion scowled.

"What I'm trying to say is, let us just rest. Trust me, I know when and how to avoid

danger, but so far, my instincts aren't warning me against anything. Remember that you were the one who taught me to listen to my instincts."

"Well, mine doesn't want to stay in this place." Elion cut in.

"Does it? Listen to your instincts again, Elion. It doesn't want to stay here because of its

senses danger, or because if the takes you have heard of it?" Elena questioned. When she

remained silent, Elena took sat straight and took another spoonful.

"You didn't strike me as one who gets scared easily, Elion. This is surprising." At that,

Elion grunted, folding her hands against her chest.

"You should be lucky you were able to make it here."

They both turned around to see who had spoken. A woman, possibly in her kid twenties,

stood by their table, a bowl of food in her hands. Elena could immediately tell that she wasn't a citizen of the Blood Kingdom by her skin colour.

"Who are you?" Elion asked, already sorted straight and ready to attack. The lady barely glanced her over before turning to look at Elena.

"Most people who were kidnapped, or had tried to get in by themselves were killed. Only experienced warriors are capable of taking people in and out of the kingdom. If you knew what was happening in other kingdoms, you would be lucky that you're alive here, and safe." "What do you mean?" Elena said, sitting up straight immediately.

"Didn't you hear? A battle has been going on in all three kingdoms. A group of people wearing white garments, who also possess special powers, go to every part of a kingdom and start to destroy it. We don't know what they did to the bodies, but most of them weren't even okay to bury with. They were burnt and black, their skin no less different from ash. Elena's heart began to pound. "Which kingdom are you from?"

"I am from Tush. The western part. The two-third of the whole area is brunt down. People are running anywhere. Those who went to Neba or Pres for safety came back mere dares later, complaining of how no different it was at Tush. I was running for safety when some guys kidnapped me. At that point, I was willing to go anywhere to save my life. Thankfully, before I ended up in a worse place, the king's warriors found me. I have been doing well ever since. Don't complain about how you want to go and all those things. At this point, you should be happy that you are alive."

Elion's face became pale, and she looked at Elena, whose face mirrored her own. Having lost her appetite, she sat there and remained quiet, mulling over what the strange woman had said.

"She might be lying," Elion said, trying to encourage herself. "She might just be trying to scare us." Elena didn't know what expression she made, but it made Elion quiet down once she looked at her.

Elena took the remaining food up to Forest's room and knocked. This time, he answered immediately. He opened the door and smiled brightly once he saw Elena. His hair was mussed up, and his face was pink. He was the exact look of someone who had just woken up. "You brought me food?" He said as he looked at her hands. "Thanks so much! You're the best. Come in." He opened his door wider to let her in. Elena walked inside slowly and took note of his room. She walked over to the table by the side of the room and placed the food there.

"I tried calling you before I went to get some food. You didn't answer. I surmised that

you were asleep." Elena said. Forest chuckled as he brought out a chair and sat before his table to eat.

"I know so many things have happened to us since our journey, but one thing I used to encourage myself with all the time was of how grateful I am that Wazir wasn't with me. Imagine

me trying to sleep when he is around. I can assure you that I wouldn't be as cute looking as I am now." Elena chuckled as Forest took a spoonful of the food.

"Okay, this is great. Where did you get it?" He started to gobble up his food, moaning between each bite.

"There is a large room downstairs where one can eat. There is food from every kingdom

down there. I took a bit from everything. It's a food lover's paradise." Forest's eyes widened at her description.

"Really?" He asked. "I would love to go there, and fast. Their cooks must be awesome

because they are the only ones capable of making me eat without comparing it to your own." He took another spoonful of food.

Elena chuckled at his enthusiasm. She remained quiet and watched him eat till he cleared the bowl.

"I would visit that room for more." He said, stretching back against his chair.

"So, where is Elion?"

"She is in our room." Noticing how her face changed upon mention of her name, Forest

sat up straight, frowning slightly.

"Is anything wrong?" He asked. Elena sighed and then narrated everything that had

happened downstairs. The more Forest listened, the more his frown deepened.

"I always knew she was uptight," he started after a while, once she had finished narratingnoveldrama

everything. "But a war? This has so many shades of wrong to it."

"You're telling me," Elena said, falling flat against his bed. "I'm scared for my

Grandparents, Wazir and Mac. Mac had just started realizing his dream, a war will spoil everything."

"Yeah. Another war. This is bad. And no one knows who these men are?"

Elena shook her head. "They are all just identified by the unique white garment they adorn all the time. And they also possess special powers."

"You know, there is every possibility that the lady might have lied to you guys. I would not know her motive to do it, but it's possible."

"Elion thought the same thing." Elena countered. "So we both went around, looking for those who were also brought in like us, and they told us the same thing.

Forest released a huge sigh. "And to think we were in Tush." He said, his expression one

of worry.

"I hope nothing happens to Old Porv and Calhoun."

At the mention of Calhoun's name, Elena felt her heart lodge to her throat. She finally has someone who likes her for real. She would be so heartbroken should anything happen to him. She cleared her head of the thought, not willing to think about it.

"Nothing will happen to them. I can count on them to keep themselves safe. There are warriors, even if they come across the strange people with powers, they cannot be taken down lightly."

"Yes, yes. I trust them too." Forest said, nodding his head to either assure himself or


"I have another thing to tell you, though you are the only one I have shared it with." Forest scrunched his eyes, curiosity lancing through his features.

"What is it?"

"As I was coming here, I had a very strange dream. It was so realistic that when I woke

up, I was very sure that it had happened. But the idea seemed so strange even to my ears, that I thought I had imagined it all. But after hearing tales of people with magic powers destroying the three kingdoms, I am not so sure if I truly just imagines it."

"Tell me about it," Forest said, and she did. She told him about the woman, her unique features, and how the environment looked like when the strange woman appeared. She told him about what she said Elena should do and about how the fate of the world was at her hands. She told him everything she could remember about that dream, and when she finally finished, she noted that Forest's face was pale.

"I don't think it's a coincidence, Elena." He started slowly, his voice hoarse. "She mentioned that the world is at war, and today you have heard from so many others just this same fact. But for her to say that the fate of the world lies in your hands, Elena, I don't think this is any normal type of battle we are going to face. And you better prepare yourself, for you have a long road ahead of you."

"I'm scared," she confessed silently to Forest. He stood up and walked towards her, then knelt at her front.

"Just remember, no matter any decision that you end up taking, I am with you all the


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