The Blood King's Bride

Chapter Forty Seven

The final day of training for Elena finally arrived. She had spent the day practicing with

Calhoun, Elion, and the old man. She eventually defeated Elion, and Calhoun smiled at her, pride illuminating his features. When they were done with practice, the old man suggested that they celebrate in Elena's restaurant. They all agreed and started to make preparations. Before Calhoun departed, he left Elena with a parting kiss, causing her to lose focus and her mind to scatter in scrambles. She was dazed, and he left smirking, proud, and satisfaction etched on his face. Elena walked back to her room and sat down in her bed. She had a lot of thinking to do. Tomorrow, she and Forest, along with his sister, would depart for the kingdom of Neba. She didn't know what way her relationship with Calhoun was headed. Whenever they tried to talk about it, something always stopped them.

Another thing she had to think about was what Firoza told her. Although she didn't let it disturb her, she was sure that Calhoun would never cheat on her. But even then, she didn't want their relationship to be one bound on secrets. A relationship with secrets as the foundation was bound to collapse. She decided that she would talk to Calhoun that day. She would make him confess all he had been hiding.

She walked around her room before reaching a corner and dragging out her traveling bag. She started to put in all that she brought with her when she first came and all she had bought in this kingdom. As she placed them inside her bag, she smiled, recalling all the memories that came with it.

A knock sounded from the doors, breaking her out of her musing.

"Come in." She called out.

Slowly the door opened, revealing a mischievous Forest.

"You ready to go home?" He asked, closing the door and walking over to where she

stood. Sighing, she collapsed back on the bed.

"I don't know what to do, Forest. I like Calhoun so much, and he does like me too, but I can't leave my friends and family to go with him, I just can't."

"He asked you to come with him?"

"Yes." Elena replied, nodding.

"Why can't he come with you?" Forest asked, curious.

"He said that he has two tasks to complete, and that out of the two, he has only done one."

"What are they?"

"He didn't explain much," Elena replied, shrugging. All I know is that if I do agree to

follow him, I would still remain here for a while till he is ready to depart." They both remained

in silence, each to their thoughts.

"Well, that's enough mulling for today. I need to get ready for my outing. This might probably be the last time I'll ever see him."

Forest remained seated on her bed, watching her as she walked about packing her stuff. Finally, she turned and gave him a suggestive look when she was done. "What?" He asked, looking genuinely confused.

"I want to dress. Or do your so wish for your life to end? And not by my hand, if course." Forest snickered as he stood up. "Don't worry," he replied. "I like my head just where it

is. I and Elion would be waiting for you outside." He walked to the door and left, closing the door silently.

Releasing a huge sigh, Elena began to remove her clothes. She put on a new cloth she had bought in town, she wore it overhead, satisfied. It was a black gown that had shimmers. That was the first time she wore a dress ever since she appeared there. She swiped her hands down her gown and made her way out of the room.

As told by Forest, he and his sister were waiting for him outside, but they were not alone. Calhoun stood with them, lost on thought. As if he was perfectly attuned to her, his eyes snapped to where she stood as soon as she came out.

"Wow, Elena, you outdid yourself today." Forest said, and Elion nodded, standing next to him.

Calhoun just gazed at her unblinkingly, and she blushed. She could almost feel his gaze

upon her, caressing her everywhere.

"You look beautiful." He finally said, his voice coming out hoarse.

"Thank you." Elena replied, her cheeks turning redder. He walked towards her and

stretched out his arm, signifying her to hold unto it. She gently took his arm and followed him as he walked out of the house.

"Where is everyone?" She asked as they reached the sitting room of Calhoun's part of the house.

"They are all waiting for us at the restaurant. I told them to go that I would be coming with you." They arrived at where they kept their horses. Calhoun quickly dragged her back and carried her towards his horse as Elena was about to climb hers. She blushed again at the possessive display of affection and remained silent as he perched her atop his horse, then mounted behind her. He dragged her closer, snuggling them both, before taking his horse's reins. Using one hand, he guided the horse while the other remained on her belly. The ride was slow, and Elena began to suspect that he purposely did it. At times he unconsciously rubbed her stomach, making her blush even more. Elion and Forest rode just right behind them. After hours on the road, they finally reached the restaurant. Calhoun jumped off the horse, and then he helped Elena down from it. She let him, basking in his affection and attention. Forest and Elion made their way inside. As she stood outside, waiting for Calhoun to tie his horse, Elena gave herself a silent pat on her back for her work in the restaurant. It was the shadow of its former self, totally changed from dilapidated to elegant. Its entrance door was made of solid wood, carved intricately by one of the best woodworkers in town- according to Old man Porv- and he hadn't disappointed.

Calhoun appeared behind her and took her hand. She looked up at him.

"Ready?" He asked. She nodded in response. Together they both made their way into the restaurant. As they drew closer to it, Elena heard the loud voices of people inside. When Elena

first came to the kingdom, she noticed that the sounds made in bars or inns could be heard a few miles from the said place. She didn't want the voices of her Patron to be heard outside, so she suggested the idea to the old man, who then introduced her to someone who claimed he could do the job. And he did it excellently well. She smiled as she entered the restaurant.

As Calhoun opened it, the noise inside hit her with full force. She had decorated the interior exactly like she did back at Neba. The restaurant also had a VIP room, which was decorated exactly like the one back at Neba. It was in the VIP room that they were going to have their celebration. In tow with Calhoun, she walked inside as they made their way to their destination. A waiter greeted them, handing them a menu just as soon as they came in. They followed a private path built for the VIP guests, which would allow them to see into the commoners' room, but not the other way around. As they walked towards the special room, Calhoun stopped. Elena raised her head to look at him.

"Is there a problem?" She asked, concern etched on her features. Calhoun shook his head. "I just want to talk to you. We might not have time after the celebration this night, and I really want to spend as much time with you as possible before tomorrow."

Elena's face softened, and she raised her hands and placed them on Calhoun's cheeks. "You know I would love to go with you. But I have to meet my grandparents first. I had promised them that I would leave after a month. My training is complete, and I would come back

for you. You just have to tell me where you stay. I'm sure I can find my way to you."

As she caressed his face, Calhoun shook his head. "I'm returning earlier than you think.

And I know I'm selfish, but I just don't want to leave here without you." He grasped the hand that she placed on his face tightly. She released another sigh.

"Who is Firoza to you?" She asked suddenly. Calhoun didn't skip a beat.

"She is a prisoner. Although she doesn't know it yet. I made sure that she felt like a guestnoveldrama

so that I won't have to go through the hassle of looking for her." Elena's eyes widened, and she

was about to remove her hand from Calhoun's face, but Calhoun clenched it, drawing it back to its former position.

"A prisoner?" Elena repeated. Of all things, that was the last thing she expected to hear. "Why is that?"

"As I was starting my journey out of my kingdom, I can across a small town. It was deserted, like the people there had vanished. I knew it was a recent occurrence, because tents where still erected, and put fires still burned. I asked one of my men to go check it out, and he came across Firoza. She was in a cave, where a deranged man was beating her, accusing her of killing all the residents of the town."

"Oh my!" Elena said, shocked. Calhoun nodded his head and continued. At first, when we saw Firoza, we totally dismissed the claim. She was fragile looking and weak. There was no how she would be able to kill over a hundred people by herself. We saved her from the man and carried her out of town. By the town gates laid the severed bodies of her townsmen. She had shed tears that day, making my claims on her innocence stronger. But as I left, I also started to ponder. Why was she the only one left? She claimed it was because she had remained inside her abode, hidden. But in the carcass of the people laid disfigured and mutilated bodies of children. There was no way they hadn't hidden from whatever destroyed them, and if whatever that was could miss someone like her, how much more a little child."

Elena nodded her head, understanding where he was going with this. "You believe that she is connected with whatever had caused the destruction."

"Exactly. And so it's better to make her feel safe, like we accept her, than let her know that we are just merely keeping an eye on her."

"What of your men? They interact with her a lot."

"Yeah. I told them too. They might seem dumb, but they can be smart needed. I don't know why though, recently she has been pressuring them to give her my life history." "And?" She asked when he had stopped.

"I told them to, just recently. I told them to tell her the news of my father looking for a bride for me, sending different females my way. I don't know if she has any interest in me, but whether she does or not, I want to crush any hope she has of it happening."

"Oh my, now I get it."

"What is it?"

"Firoza came to me a few days ago, telling me that you both had a relationship and that you're just using me to make her jealous. She also warned me to stay away from you, telling me

if I don't believe her, I should ask you what she meant to you." Calhoun's soft expression dropped instantly, immediately seized by a calm boiling rage.

"She said this? Really? When?"

"Just two days ago, as I was training alone. Of course I didn't believe her, but I still decided to talk to you about it. To know your version."

"Firoza." Calhoun called out calmly. "This just proves that she does indeed have an ulterior motive. I should have known. Her aura has always been weird."

"You felt it too? I thought I was just mistaken. She looked so innocent, you know, until the day she faced me."

"Darling," Calhoun suddenly said, placing his hands on both sides of her face. "It's like I would have to allow you to go back home, no matter if my heart bleeds just at the thought. I do not want you anywhere next to her. Especially if she is connected with someone who can cause

so much destruction. And now that she has set her sight on you, I'd rather you remain safe, than next to her."

"But I can fight! I can defend myself." Elena said.

"I know honey," Calhoun calmly replied, wiping away a tendril of her hair from her face.

"But you can only fight one or two at a time. The destruction she is connected with allowed

hundreds of people to die simultaneously. I do not want you next to something like that. Please understand me."

Elena released a sigh. "I do." Calhoun smiled in relief.

"Good then. Let's go join our friends before they start to worry about us."

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