Chapter 78 - Queen
Chapter 78 - Queen
"Say, old lady Alethia"
"hmm" I glanced down at Ben who stared at me, his violet eyes holding curiosity. "What is it kid?" I said
with a bored tone.
Ben was silent for a second, his almond shaped eyes widening a little, pulling into a shocked
expression. "You're the first to call me kid other than big brother Lykos" he said.
I rose an eyebrow still containing my monotone face. Of course, he would be confused since he is a
prince and the only title that's called to him by people whose lower statues than him would call him
'Your highness' or 'Your majesty' or something, something.
Either way I couldn't give two fucks who he is, my only priority is getting the **** out of here before they
start throwing questions at me that I do not have the mood to answer.
I looked away from him and stared endlessly at the wall.
A soft giggle was heard, and I side glance to the silver haired queen standing not far from me.
"It brings peace to my heart knowing how delighted they would be when they hear the revival of prince
Benjamin" she said, her violet eyes softening at just the thought of their faces when they see the
cheerful prince back to health again.
"I don't know how grateful I am to you, Lady Alethia." Her voice tremble when she spoke. It was the
sound of relief that couldn't be breathed days ago but now can be released. "Thank you for saving my
son" Arabella grasped my hand, cupping it between hers and locking her teary violet eyes into my icy
blue ones. I could see the sincerity in her eyes and the overwhelming joy that was contained in those
lavender orbs of the empress.
The colour in her face had returned from yesterday and she can sleep in peace tonight.
I looked down at my hand that was trapped in hers. Her hands were warm against my skin like they
were heat packs I keep in my gloves in the middle of winter. Her hands were gentle to the feeling as if
she was holding something so delicate.
I didn't like it.
My brows knitted together, and my lips turned into a little scowl that was invisible for her to see. I
wriggled my hand from her gasp. "I appreciate your gratitude towards me but if there is nothing else
you wish to discuss, I shall get going." I explained avoiding her gaze from and bending down to scoop
the clingy bird that was busy blabbering about how amazing and beautiful he was in his fox form to the
boy who didn't have a clue what he was saying and just kept smiling and patting his head so he
wouldn't hurt the birds feeling.
"After all I have a quest, I need to accomplish" my words came out lazy yet cold.
"Hey! What are you doing?" Homura squawked, his head turning side to side at my hands that grabbed
him. "I haven't finished talking to the human cub. Hasn't anyone told you to not interrupt creatures
when they are speaking?" he raised his feathery fist in the air as he ranted but I ignored him and
placed him on my shoulder.
I gave him the potion when we were coming here to still keep him under the same disguise for another
hour but now, I only got 30 minutes before he turns back into the annoying pesky fox he is. My
belongings were also given to me when I arrived in Ben's room. Everything was placed neatly back in
my bag and my Kunai knives were also polished in return. How nice of them.
Ben grin turned upside down when watching Homura being taken away from him by me and place on
my shoulder, like I had taken away his toy.
He jolted up from his spot, his hands clenched into a fist in front of him and his eyes speaking
confidence. "Can't you stay a little longer lady Alethia?" Ben spoke, his tone a little shaken.
I gazed into his little saddened eyes that begged for me to stay, his light pink cheeks puffing into a
chubby little ball. I have never seen kids as adorable as what people would say they are, but Ben is a
little exception.
I brought my fingers near his forehead and his eyes shifted to them "sorry kid, but maybe next time" I
flicked his forehead making him close his eyes shut.
It was a lie. There is no more reason for me to return to Ventus after this. 'Sorry Ben but this the last
time you will see Alethia even me' I didn't have any guilt by lying to him, it was for the best.
"Lies" Homura said bluntly loud "Your never coming back. Stop stirring up hope to this human cub" I felt
my hand move on its own and snatched his beak shut, my lips forming into an irritated smile that tried
to be nice.
"DONTHMHMH LISTENHMHMH" Homura still tried to speak with his mouth closed resulting in Ben to
giggle behind his hands
I didn't need to look but the warm presence of the empress beside me felt as if she was smiling at me.
"Does old Lady Alethia promise?"
I stared at him expressionless, but I could feel my eyes widening a little from the little shock I
experienced a moment ago.
"No, she doesn't" Homura answered with a loud annoying squeak. Ben titled his head to the side trying
to figure out what the bird's tone indicated his answer to.
A long sigh escaped my lips, shuffling the side of my hair before opening my eyes to look back at him.
Ben's violet eyes grew three times bigger as he waited for his answer patiently.
Stretching out my hand, I placed my palm on his head resulting Ben to lift his eyes up to look at the
hand that was placed on his silver hair.
Ben's hair wasn't just shiny but soft against my skin. It reminded me of Daisuke's hair whenever I
ruffled his hair. It was a nice feeling to remember.
"I cannot make promises I can't keep" I watched his face melt down into a frown, his lips twitching to
keep his smile together, but his eyes failed to.
"Forgive me kid but this might be our last goodbye"
Ben stared down at his feet in defeat, those wistful violet eyes shaking from in sheer dejection by the
words he just heard.
"There is nothing I can say is there?" he said with a soft tone that sounded as if he was about to cry.
"No, not really human cub. Artemis' black heart is set on returning to her world where humans open
each other up." I glance coldly to Homura who slowly turned to face me, those beady eyes reflecting a
mischief smile. "Bleh" he stuck his tongue out to hint how disgusted he was.
I looked away from him.
Ben lifted his head to face me again, eyes lifting up into a determined look when he locked his lavender
orbs with my blue icy ones. He took a deep breath, puffing his chest up and releasing out a long
He reached his hands into the pockets sewn on the sides of his black pants before taking it out with a
clenched fist and stretching towards my direction.
Ben slowly opened his palm to reveal a small oval shaped stone.
"I don't think you will accept anything rewarding but I hope you accept this small gift from me." Ben's
expression turned to a stone confident look, his bright aura changing drastically into a determined king
like his father.
I examined the stone in his palm. It wasn't like any stone I had seen before; it was like a glowing light
tint of blue with pure white fog encircling the baby blue light within like it was fading away from the blue
light in the middle, but the time had stopped resulting it to stay like that forever, trapped in a stone.
It was pretty.
"Tch more pretty stone" Homura grumbled. "What's with you humans and pretty coloured rocks. I don't
get it" noveldrama
'Because your not human'
"This stone had got me through many life-threatening events that's why I had it with me all the time just
in case something bad happened to me" Ben explained with a gentle smile on his little face "I know it's
a childish belief, but I hope it brings you luck like it had to me"
I accept the pretty oval shaped stone from his hand and clutched it between my two fingers to examine
it some more. 'Saved you from death many times, huh. I think it failed you in the novel'
"Thank you" I nodded. This can be my souvenir when I return home. I can pawn this into a necklace
and where it every day as a memory for saving a prince in a fantasy world. A pleasant gift from the
heart, I like it.
With an inhale of a breath, I slid the stone in the pocket of my skirt "Well then, I shall be leaving" I said
looking at Arabella who nodded in understanding, her hands gracefully in front of her as she stood
elegantly in front of me.
"Stay safe kid and don't do anything stupid" I said placing my hands on my hips.
Ben's lips formed a big grin across his face which held pure innocence, but I could see in his eyes he
was going to either way.
"Bye human cub" Homura waved his wing to him, a long sad tone came from "I hope to see you again
one day." Homura sniffed, whipping away a tear.
I sweat dropped at his farewell 'Well, that's the first time I heard Homura say that to someone. I guess
calling him beautiful will change his thoughts on you.... Like hell I'll say that to him, I'm not feeding his
already massive ego'
"May the Gods bring protection on your journey, Lady Alethia" Arabella said her farewell.
'Thanks, but I don't need mighty beings protecting me. One already hates me and sent me here as a
punishment' of course I said that in my head, so no one heard me except for myself.
With a nod of my head to her response I left the room, going out the huge double door before it was
closed behind me by the guards.
Once the doors closed, I glanced to the side to see the king standing there, his head hung low and his
silver eyes glancing at the floor.
"Watching him like that makes me not want to shit in his castle anymore. Pity" Homura spoke bluntly
then to sigh.
"I still cannot muster up my courage to face her and apologise for what I did yesterday. I'm too
ashamed of myself" He spoke in a low tone; his voice was hoarse and could be sensed that he has
been crying silently.
"Then this could be a lesson learnt to you, Ambrose" I said coldly avoiding my gaze away from him who
I sensed to have given me a distressful look. The glazed silver eyes that stared at me without an utter
of word to be spoken. "It is wiser to lose your pride for the sake of the one you love than to lose the one
you love for the sake of your pride."
"Your queen is your powerful ally. The only one that would stay when all is gone and the one to trust
when things are dark. The queen is what stands at the bottom of the kingdom, holding it up to prevent it
from collapsing"
"Tell me Ambrose, what is a king without his queen in a game of chess" I asked him finally glancing to
his side. The tips of his brows came down to his eyes, his mouth came to form an upsetting frown, his
teeth clenching together to keep himself from crying out loud.
The aura that surrounded him was just a pity to feel.
"Checkmate" he mustered up to say with a deep crack in his voice.
I blinked back my attention to the window far from where I stood. The sun reflecting through the giant
glass and bringing light into the hall room, I could see white clouds passing by the window and birds
flying freely through those same clouds and disappearing from my sight.
"Hmm" satisfied with that answer I turned a cold shoulder and left him to deal the rest himself.
'Yet a queen can rule her kingdom far greater than a king ever could regardless having a king by her
\~Bedelia P.O. V\~
The red-haired princess rushed her way to the young princes' chamber, her hand clutching the laces of
her skirt to provide the ability to run in a gown while it trailed behind her.
'I was feeding Alvara when one of the maids came to announce that Ben had woken up from his
slumber, I hope he is alright and well' Bedelia thought as she made her when someone was walking
towards her direction.
She was rummaging through her bag as she walked closer to the princess not knowing who she was
walking towards to.
Her long white hair was braided tightly and rested on her shoulder. She wore a common commoner
clothing consisting of a white blouse with puffed up hems and buttoned up, a long brown skirt reaching
to the level of her ankles and brown boots.
She had a raven perching on her shoulder that was constantly squawking as he swatted his wing left to
right as if he was speaking to the old woman that was busy looking through her bag.
Bedelia slowed down her jog when she realised who this was just by the bird on her shoulder. It was
the rumoured female physician who healed Ben with blades.
When she heard about her, she thought it was a rumour the maids had spread around but it seemed it
wasn't when she discussed with Carlos then to Arabella.
Somehow it made her heart at ease to know someone else other than the physician the Rosenborne
invited over from Aureum to heal Ben was not him and her.
Either way she wanted to know who this woman was and how she was able to do it when no other man
can especially since she's a woman. An old one in fact.
"Excuse me madam" Bedelia called out to her to grab her attention and it worked. The old woman stop
midway not far from the princess and rose her head to look at who was the person who called her.
Bedelia froze in her spot when her red eyes met the woman's familiar cold blue eyes. Those icy blue
eyes instantly brought back the memory of the mysterious lady that had humiliated Katherine in front of
all the other aristocrat ladies in the store before coldly walking away and not giving a single courtesy to
her when the mysterious lady locked her icy blue orbs with her flaming red ones before leaving the
store with a chilling air.
But this woman was old not young and beautiful like the mysterious woman was from the store.
"Is there seems to be the problem?" her voice was cold when she spoke and still reminded her of the
woman. The way she spoke and answered felt it would be something the mysterious woman would
say. Bedelia shrugged it off, it might just be her imagination.
"May you perhaps be Ben's healer?" she asked politely.
The old woman had a blank expression across her face, her pupils moved up and down as she
observed her.
Bedelia felt frustrated by the sudden rude actions from her, but she kept her roaring anger in check just
in case she hurt the princes' saviour.
What felt like forever, the old woman opened her mouth a little and spoke "Yes" she answered bluntly
without any formalities to the princess.
Bedelia stood in front of her with the same expression across her face, staring into the old woman's
familiar icy blue eyes trying to figure out if this person is who she says she is or just someone in
Furthermore, the mysterious lady has been on her mind for a long period of time ever since she seen
The lady in the store also looked familiar as if she seen her before but she only just remembered that
It's like all those pieces are one whole puzzle but can't be put together unless they are in the right
Red orbs continued to examine every inch of this woman, yet this old woman had a chilling aura
surrounding her when she stood there with her hands crossed with an expressionless face, her hands
crossed against her bosom with her index finger tapping on her muscle as she waited impatiently for
Bedelia to hurry up.
"If your going to stand there and scan me then best not call me out and waste my precious time" she
said with a cold tone that sent the same shivers as the mysterious woman from the store.
"May I know your name?" Bedelia asked glaring at her with those sharp ruby eyes that didn't even faze
the old woman a flinch.
"And who's asking?" she shot back with a question of hers, titling her head as she did so with a risen
thing yet sharp eyebrow.
Bedelia puffed her chest up raising her chin in the air to show the true aura of a fire princess. "Princess
Bedelia Drakous of Drakon." She replied with string confident aura that changed to arrogance when
she said "That's whose asking" she couldn't help but smirk a little to see the sudden shock of the face
of the lady who will quickly bow down to her and plead for forgiveness for her impolite manners.
Bedelia waited when she watched the eyes of the old lady widened little but to her shock the old
woman's eyes returned to size and continued to stare at her motionless like she had before.
Bedelia was dumbfounded at her reaction. How could someone as low as her not bow in the presence
of the princess. Even Katherine an arrogant barons daughter pays her respects to her so why does this
mannerless old woman not? Is it because she saved the prince's life is that why she's getting cocky
because Bedelia can't do anything to her, or she will be in trouble by the rulers of Ventus?
It made her furious just having a lowly person like this commoner treat her as if she was in her level of
"No wonder you look familiar" the old woman pulled a face that revealed a speck of annoyance.
"A lowly commoner should not look down on a princess. Bow down before me" Bedelia demanded, a
hot flaming aura starting to glow an outline of her figure, there was an angry flame soaring her eyes.
'This should get you to realise who your messing with' Bedelia ruby red eyes glared daggers towards
the old woman who was standing there still not a single hint of fear seen in her distant cold eyes that
held the winter wonderland. Her body didn't tremble from terror of getting burnt of punished for treating
a royal like they were commoner.
"Don't flatter yourself" the old lady hissed and the bird on her shoulder squawked loudly that it echoed
the halls. Bedelia was caught off guard for second, but her temper made her look at her with a hostile
stare "Do not think just because you have power to bring people to their knees would have any effect
on me" the old woman growled with cock of her, those icy cold eyes shining brightly as a sudden chill
from her had overlapped her hot flaming heat.
"Have you ever looked at yourself before?"
"Excuse me?"
"It seems you don't even know yourself. How pathetic that is" the bird seemed to squawk as if he too
had mocked her. Bedelia clenched her fist tightly that her nails had dug deep into her scorching hot
skin resulting to ooze blood that evaporated from the intense fiery heat that smoked from her hand. Her
teeth clenched together in anger and her brows knitted into one, eyes glaring angrily at the old lady
who dared to insult her.
"People are to afraid to point out your arrogant spoil behaviour without having their heads burnt off and
with that you grew to believe that your more superior than everyone else, making the girl you are
today" she explained with a hand to her hip, her icy gaze didn't leave her fiery red eyes that was
circling flames that would soon burst.
Bedelia hair blazed with fire, and she stepped forward as if she was going pounce herself on the lady,
with an angry yell Bedelia hissed "YOU-" she didn't get to finish her sentence when the old woman
jumped in with a point of her wrinkly finger.
"As a princess you should contain your anger and to never interrupt someone while they are talking."
She crossed her hands, glaring an icy cold chill "Hasn't anyone told you?" a mischievous smirk
suddenly appeared on her face and the raven squawking loudly again but this time he had put his
wings in the air.
"But hey, you're just an obvious fool who believes that chasing away girls from the prince and throwing
cakes at them will get his attention" the old lady shrugged her shoulders, shaking her head as if she
wasn't expecting this from the fire princess of Drakon. The flaming red hair had died down and Bedelia
face went a little pale, her eyes widening in distress and her mouth frozen in place.
"HAHAH" the old lady started to cackle loudly holding her stomach "Your just humiliating yourself in
front of the whole 5 kingdoms without even realising it. Even the prince can't bare to be near you." she
The old woman's audacity to mock the princess about this made Bedelia to scrunch her face in fury, the
fire within her stirring up again and twirling around her fingers. The urge throw a fireball at her face to
shut her up. The temperature inside her was rising and she could feel it.
She opened her mouth to soot back something at her, but the woman had gotten to speak first.
"Even if you did force yourself to him, do you think he will stay beside you" she sneered at her as she
raised her wrinkly finger at Bedelia. Her muscles grew tense and she flared her nostrils.
"HAAHAH\~ I could just picture him running through the crowds of the banquet trying to get away from
you. I would hang myself if I married such a snobby spoiled little brat like you" she flapped her wrist
that fanned her hand sideways in front of her face, her venomous words slipping out her cracked lips
with a slither.
She was like a snake who had bitten her pray and injected her poison in them.
These words the woman spoke had felt she was stabbed at the back of her heart; she felt the muscles
of her heart tighten with incredible force. Her body didn't know how to react, it just shut down. She froze
to a point where she was hardly breathing. What did she know about love? How would she know Neil
was feeling?
Bedelia clenched "What do you know?" Bedelia spoke with a thunderous snare that sparked a quick
flare in her heart. Bedelia had enough of the mockery she was getting from her. She didn't like the way
the old woman spoken down at her.
Yet something in her heart told that these words meant truth however she could not bare to believe so.
She didn't want to, if she loved him hard enough and expressed maybe he would look her way. Just a
quick glance.
Bedelia flinched when she was snapped out of her thoughts, her red eyes shaken as she glanced to
the side where the old woman had appeared beside her with her palm resting on her shoulder.
"Everything you don't know" the old woman whispered in her ear. It sounded threatening and sickening
as if a killer was warning her to not move or she will kill her. Terror had suddenly sucked the very breath
from her mouth, it washed over her, raising the fine hairs on the back of her neck. she was paralysed to
the spot, the menacing aura holding her in a tightening grip.
The angry flame that surged through her was taken over by a cold piercing blow that suddenly rushed
through killing the heat and cooling it with its cold.
The woman slowly cocked her head to her direction, a wicked smile across her face and those cold
distant eyes that held the winter wonderland now held killer that was locked up within the body that
begged to be released.
The colour in Bedelia's face drained out and it left nothing but black, white. Sweat poured down her
body as she stayed still as possible. Her mouth ran dry and when she opened her mouth to speak
nothing came out except for a hoarse breath.
An evil chuckle escaped her lips while she patted Bedelia's shoulder before she walked off her hair
falling behind her back and swinging side to side with every step, she took that was silent like a ghost,
not a single click of her boot to be heard.
Her shaken red eyes followed the backside of woman until she was out of sight. Her stiffen muscles
had relaxed but her legs were shaking that could not hold her up anymore resulting her to slump down
in a thud. Her heart was thudding loudly in her ears and her hands shaking in irregular rhythm.
Never has she felt like this with her older brother. This worse much worse.
"w-what h-happened"
What is a King without his queen in a game of chess? - Checkmate
- Artemis Ray
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